What's Your Excuse, Now?

Friday, September 11, 2009

American Us

For every action there is a reaction. The Party of Not Ever is starting another movement. They didn’t mean to do this. This is a positive reaction to their negative reaction. No birthers, no tea parties but a real American movement, a combination of all Americans who are tired of inequality and disrespect towards others. These are Americans who see that we can coexist with others. We’re not leaving this country so we might as well get along with each other and make the best of what we have. We are speaking out against foolishness and are tired of people thinking for us. We are Americans who realize that the only progress we’re going to have is to accept each other, listen to each others’ ideas, and work toward a better life for our family, community, and our country. So, for all of those negative people who want to see our country in chaos and civil disorder go find your own country of hate and discontent. We will always disagree about different things that affect us but we don’t need to humiliate, embarrass and disrespect each other to get our point across. We are disgusted.

The Truth Will Set You Free

I read a response from a blog in the local newspaper regarding Congressman Joe Wilson from South Carolina calling the President a liar on 9/9/09 on the immigration part of the Health Care Reform. This has never occurred in the history of the house protocol outburst like that in the house chambers toward a president. I wanted to respond to blogger but instead I’ll do it from here. Of course the blogger sided with Wilson; he was one of his constituents. He even felt that Wilson shouldn’t have apologized. I think that this person took the whole episode as a racial pick instead of a civil response. So many people don’t realize how set for life our representatives are. We don’t do any research but take their word on any subject. Politics are not absolute, but choices can be. At the end of this entry please look at the website about Joe Wilson. He has free governmental healthcare for the rest of his life. Yet, he is against it for others. The article also tells how two-faced Joe Wilson actually is. I hope this website keeps this article on file. My vote may not count but I will not be for him anymore. Here’s what I wanted to say.

“The Truth Shall Set You Free was first said by Jesus Christ in John 8:32. Yet, you preferred to reference “dident m.l. king say it to.” Yes, he did, but I do find it odd that you picked King. We will ignore the grammar and spelling. Obviously, education hasn’t been on Mr. Wilson’s agenda for our state. You definitely have deeper issues than education. I voted for Joe Wilson as long as I can remember but have never seen him behave in such an unprofessional manner. As a Colonel, you are expected military protocol to be observed. He knows that. Had he behaved in such a manner in front of his superiors he would have been severely reprimanded. He has not accepted responsibility for his outburst. In fact, I understand that the party leaders had him do so immediately. It was total disrespect unbecoming an officer and a representative of the state of South Carolina. I think the GOP is using him for a scapegoat. He is being thrown under the bus, but since he is receiving military retirement, he has nothing to worry about. Congressman Wilson is catering to a specific group that he feels he is representing. I hope that group has true Christian respect as Christ had for us.”

This is a good article.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Free Speech

In the name of free speech, we are able to voice our concerns. We can voice our dislikes anywhere and at anytime we deem necessary. Even though there is a time and place for everything. Unfortunately, there is still a minority that has taken advantage of this privilege to disclose their true racial feelings. Some will hide behind politics as an excuse. It takes a true man to respect another even though they disagree. Before you accuse me of using the race card, let me finish. A zebra can not lose its stripes, even though it might look like a horse to some people (uninformed). Another zebra will not recognize a horse as zebra but can recognize a fellow zebra. Racists recognize each other and but now hide behind the privilege of free speech. They don’t like that label but are quick to label others as Nazis, commies, liberals, fascists, un-Americans and socialists. It is remarkable that it took a united America of all races, ethnicities, religions, cultures, political parties and ages to elect our President and yet realize how many people still hate others with such ferociousness, that they are willing to polarize and destroy this great country of so many resources rather than let it progress forward. So many people have sacrificed and gave their lives so that all of us are able to enjoy this freedom. We are losing men and women almost every day fighting wars to protect our interests that so many are avoiding. Look at our local law enforcement, fire fighters and EMS and other public service folk sacrificing their lives and families every day! Let’s not forget that there are still people experiencing inequality in so many forms. We still have Americans living in assigned areas and they were one of the first here! There are still families cultivating this hatred and now we find that there are pastors preaching hatred in the pulpit. Is this being pro-American to polarize our country? We still have states wanting to secede from this union. Since Cain and Abel, brothers have hated each other and killed. I don’t know why I think that things should be any different. I get so disgusted at how we behave toward each other. When we have National Prayer Service Day, we really need to pray sincerely for this country and elected representatives. We have one giant headache of problem that only God can heal.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rest Peacefully, Papa Williams

I wanted to write about something positive in this entry but as life would have it, the unexpected happened. One of my closest, best friend’s father passed away early September 2, 2009 morning. He had dealt with diabetes and kidney problems for years but always fought back with the will to live. God only knows what he went through. He battled pneumonia, flu and other health problems and overcame them all. I was under the belief that he would still outlive us all. Yet, death has a way of putting everything in perspective. My friend hung in there with me when my mom passed. We’re not as close as we used to be and my dilemma is how to show her, without causing complications, that I am there for her. I have written quite a bit a loss and emptiness and it is never enough words to explain the effects death can have on you emotionally. As we get older, we are reminded of our own mortality daily by observing those close to us move on to another life. I wonder if and when that time comes for some of us, do we welcome the end? That sounds very morbid but it is the reality that we face. In a matter of seconds or split-seconds our so called pathetic life can become a pitiful one. I used those words to show that we are not pathetic or pitiful but people capable of choosing what type of life we want to live. That is why we must appreciate every little moment that we have. We should always be grateful for the little blessings, they add up to something huge. It used to be painful emotionally to discuss this subject but not anymore. We shouldn’t be afraid but approach it whenever it occurs as an entry to an unfamiliar journey. A journey that we are reminded of only as we’ve gotten older. So, let us all learn to treat each other with respect and compassion, we might need each other. More importantly, let’s be examples for those who have a hard time finding the good in anything to finding the good in themselves. And, yes, I still pray daily for this world but more so for me, to live patiently and understanding with this world. Because, sometimes, people tend to piss you off and distract you from the common good.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

An Open Letter to God

Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
You are God known by many names but
Who knows our strengths, weaknesses, needs and wants.

Hallowed be Thou Name.
You are all-knowing, all-powerful, all-healing, all-loving, all-merciful, all that is good and all that is kind.
The same mouth that we praise You, is also the same that uses profanity and obscenities. Teach me to remember that, O Lord.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done on earth as in heaven.
Lord, I have committed my life to You, therefore, I must have total trust in You.

Give us this day our daily bread.
Teach me to lay all of my problems, my concerns, my hopes and my dreams at your feet. In that way, I won’t be distracted away from your love for me. We worry about everything beyond our control, instead of putting our worries in Your Hands.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive our debtors.
You are always merciful and loving towards us with our pathetic and pitiful ways. It seems a lot easier to be less forgiving towards our loved ones and enemies.

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
Father, we should be eternally grateful for Your patience with us. You have given us the choices to choose good over evil. But we fall by the wayside so much. Strengthen our spirit to recognize your voice to know the differences.
Excerpt from "A Part of Things"


I always wondered what you saw in me.
What was our common attraction?
What did we see in each other?
What started this interaction?

Did I seem kind to you?
Did I treat you with respect?
Could you be yourself around me?
What did you expect?

Our children act like us.
they often fight and shout.
Is that how we treat each other,
whenever we open our mouths?

Have we become so selfish and uncaring
that we’d rather ignore these faults?
So mean and unloving
that our children live in doubt.

When I look at you,
I see the sparkles are gone.
This loveless feeling
has taken over our home.

You are not the one to blame,
its not yours to be,
I was drawn to you because
you’re just a reflection of me.
Now, I can see!
A reflection of me!
Excerpt from "A Part of Things"

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sports Opinion

My Yankees are doing pretty good right now, everybody is in sync. Yes, they lost a few but are winning much more. If they can maintain during the playoffs, we got a chance at the series. It’s Boston that I have to worry about. They’re 6 games back, but it's never over with them. I don’t have any comments on the Braves. I was expecting a lot from Forida, too! LA Dodgers started out like gangbusters they slowed a bit but still leading in their division. Michael Vick is back! He did his time, leave him alone and let him go back to work. I can’t remember exactly by someone from the SPCA or PETA left their dog in the car in 90+ weather and the dog died due to kidney failure. I feel for any mistreatment of animals but when folks are so quick to crucify others when they fall, they expect sympathy. SC governor is a prime example. I have never heard so many religious quotes from him until now. He could have used those when he was demanding Clinton’s impeachment. Phil Mickleson hasn’t been able to concentrate on his golf game. Can you blame him? If your loved one is undergoing cancer treatment, what can you focus on other than them? I think someone else in the family, the mother-in-law is going through a similar experience. Tiger is Tiger. But, he has a new addition in his family and I don’t think he’s at the top of his game. Keep in mind, people, I am only giving my opinion. I am not a profession sports critic. I think we are called “arm chair judges.” Anyone not in the games has an opinion. Well, Yang sure came out of the blue and whooped Tiger who has almost never gave up a lead. There are a lot of sleepers in the golf world, they’ll wake up and watch out. Tiger’s advantage is he can ignore the camera and go into a zen-like focus. He’ll need to step up a notch if he wants to stay on top. But, records are made to be broken. The Oakland Raiders are my team. They haven’t done well for years. But I will stick with them. It is always interesting to look at the other teams and see how they will do mid-season. I must not care too much for anything out of Boston. Whoever they play are the teams I want to win. Yes, Boston has some great teams.

Have A Blessed Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, past, present and future! God blessed you all with bravery, courage, compassion, generosity, kindness, love and wisdom. ...