What's Your Excuse, Now?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Suicide Isn't Worth It

We have people wanting to give up their lives because someone doesn’t love them. We lose people who want to live when someone does love them! Life is already confusing, and yet we continue to confuse ourselves when we got enough problems as it is. Sometimes, I think we’re too smart for our own good.

Hardships and Memories

An old friend called me the other day. She told me how rough the first six months of this year was for her. She almost lost her sister due to diabetic problems, but did lose her boyfriend because of heart problems. Her sister survived, overcame her problems and is now developed a plan for living! Her boyfriend was 37 years old. This can be addressed on so many levels and I know you just don’t have the time to hear it! Life is so short but we still take everyday for granted! These two didn’t! She didn’t have not one regret about their time together! They loved each other deeply!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Make Payback a Success

Pay your exes back by proving you can do without them and do even better! Remember, you don’t have to worry about proving anything to them anymore! You are a gift from God! There is always somebody, somewhere, that appreciate good things! Hold your head up high and get your stuff together!

It's Not Over Because We Are Over

Let me repeat myself again regarding breakups! People, no matter how much you believe that you can’t live without the one you love, get on your knees and thank God for the blessing! You are still alive!! What is wrong with you!! There is never a cause for you to even think about taking your life, especially making someone that doesn’t love you, feel miserable! Besides, how would you know if you’re not around? To me, it doesn’t make sense! For all you know, that person might even be glad that you’re completely out of the picture! People are breaking up everyday!! Some have good reasons and some don’t need reasons at all! Get over it, get pass it, and move on! I discussed this in previous entries. It’s not worth the negative energy. I have heard this from a man earlier this week and a woman today. Look around you! Read the news, look at the boob tube, people you don’t expect to break up, do! We all want to feel special by the people we love but life is real and sorrow and hurt, as well as, joy comes and goes as long as we live! So, ladies and gentlemen, step up your game! Excel in your endeavors and make them regret that they lost a good thing! Be successful. Lean on God! Do not take your life, instead, improve it! You’ll be depressed for a while, that’s understandable, but a stronger person will emerge from it! I wish you well!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Get Over the Mistakes

We all make mistakes. Some we can recover from, some we pay the consequences. We made the choice and we might not have included God in that choice. At least, He forgives us even if we want. At the end of the day, whose forgiveness do you think will count? Don’t carry the burden and don’t let anyone put one on you. Remember God is always in control.

Pray for Carl

My friend Carl has been going through some health problems that the doctors can’t seem to diagnose. He’s been to dentists, optometrists, ophthalmologists, ear, nose & throat specialists, neurologists, and more. They are sending him to the Mayo Clinic. His problem is a constant throbbing behind between his eyes and ears, some type of headache. Since he’s taken medication for it, on a pain scale of 1-10, it’s at a daily level of 4 for right now. Before then, Carl has hit some peaks. I ask that if you are reading this to please say a prayer for him. Prayer works when nothing else does. Is it prayer or our faith in prayer that takes us forward? Does it matter as long as we get positive results? Does it matter Who you believe in as long as you have somebody to pray to? Speaking for myself, it does matter! I believe in God, our Creator, regardless of what scientists or anyone say!

Lifetime Battles

We fight battles everyday it seems over health, finances, education, relationships, co-workers, jobs, neighbors, whomever or whatever we feel that are causing us unhappiness. These burdens can get so heavy that if we don’t be careful, they’ll become an obsession and drown us. Many of us know that it’s the devil who’s stirring up contention. We knew this already. The devil has had centuries of conning and deceiving mankind. Satan is doing everything he can to destroy anything good and he will do whatever it takes. Distract you from God long enough, he got you. It’s not always major problems that cause the shakeups. It can be some trivial things that can blow completely out of hand. But for some reason, we just don’t go to God to have Him fight our battles. His door is always opened. We’re such an “instant” society that we expect results as soon as we tell Him our problems. All I can say God is always on time. His Divine Plan is not the same as ours, but He knows what He’s doing. Look around you, there’s problems everywhere. Since the beginning of time, there have been problems. And the only one to overcome them has been God. If we don’t take our eyes off of him, we won’t sink. Keep Him in front of you and He’ll fight your battles, God doesn’t mind. He can handle it. Don’t be discouraged and just pray more.

Ephesians 6:12. The Many Versions Mean The Same Thing!

                I know I’m not the only person looking at these campus protests with many questions that have no answers.     I understand t...