What's Your Excuse, Now?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rest In Peace, Ron

It's been a while since my last post. One reason for me was getting too personal. Honestly, laziness. On June 9, 2009, the grandson of my confirmation God-Parents passed in his sleep. He was 44 years old. He left peacefully. I have always been close to his mother and grandmother which I consider a sister and mother, respectfully. They were there when my mother went to her heavenly home. He was a good young man who simply saw the best in life regardless of how life can throw curves your way. Maybe, if we made the best out of bad situations we could see things in better. But, since we bring a lot of problems on ourselves, we cloud our vision with regret and guilt. We fail to see the positive. Be careful how you treat people and what you say to people. There will come a time when you will need somebody.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day!! Happy Mother's Day!! I went to the cemetary, yesterday, and what was surprising to me was that I did not cry. I really expected to, but I have come to the point that I am at peace with myself. I placed a wreath at her grave and visited my father, grandmother, great grandmother and my oldest brother. I looked for my aunt but I couldn't find her. Nevertheless, I prayed for all that were there. Every day is a beautiful day, cherish it. Remember your ancestors and make them proud!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! This is the day that Christ had risen! Let's not forget it! I went to Mass this morning and it was standing room only! The priest said how beautiful the lilies looked. He was not talking about the Easter lilies on the altar but the Easter lilies that came to Mass! This is a time to meditate and think of the ulitmate sacrifice made for love and salvation. This is also a time to think of the loved ones that are no longer here to share with you this glorious day! Some have separated, divorced, and moved on. Others have found their home with Our Lord and those are the ones, I, myself, truly miss! Last year, my mother passed the day after Easter although the dates were a week earlier. It does not matter to me, the day after Easter is the day after Easter. This was one of her favorite holy days, mom loved to sing and she sang at every holy day! When she got ill last year in 2008, deep inside of me, I knew she would rather sing at Mass. Well, I bet she's singing her heart out now! I love you, mom! It hurts sometimes, but I know that you don't want me to be sad! The best tribute I can give you is be a better man!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Where is Your Strength?

CHANGE, you made some good points. But keep in mind that there are two kinds of people in this world. People that will do and people that won't do. This can be argued on many levels but the basis holds true. What do we do when we know that we have the potential to excell? Are we afraid to strive for better things? Has rejection in loves and relationships cause us to lose focus within? You sound like someone who does have the potential to be more than you are. What are you willing to give up? You don't have to sell your soul to be successful. Just make up your mind to do it. Time waits for no one and the day will come when you wake up and find out you could have done but did not. Don't blame anyone for your mistakes.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Be Reasonable

Fellas, if your woman leaves you, but returns to discuss the reasons for the departure, don’t mistake the conversation as a way to get her in bed. True, you might be making up but that does not give you a reason to pregnate her to show your love. That’s not exactly responsible. A baby is not the answer. Some type of pressure was already the cause of the separation. Why add even more. But it all depends if either of you want the other one back anyway. Pregnancy is a helluva payback. By the way, she might want to get pregnant by you for payback. What an ironic twist. Real love is letting go and knowing that your love is in good hands. Accepting each other for the individuals that they are. Otherwise, if they are abusive in anyway, distrustful of any kind and damn deceitful for whatever reason. Exit, peacefully, and don't look back!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Imperfect People Make for Imperfect Relationships

Keep in mind, no relationship is perfect. We're going to screw up. It's not intentional but somewhere along the line, we hit a plateau. It's like losing weight. The last ten pounds don't want to budge. So what do we do to lose the pounds? Experts say shock the body muscles with diet and exercise. In other words, when the relationship gets stagnant, we have to do something different to bring back the magic. Maybe the parties involved need to be more creative and free in expressing their appeal for each other. I can't tell you what to do. That's something you and your mate must be comfortable doing. I definitely will not say go to work with your mate to have quality time because that's a crock. Quality time is not sharing work experiences. That's like you are a mortician and your mate hates being around dead people but your business is booming and you don't have time to spend at home or with your mate. So your idea of quality time is now having your mate come to work with you? Lets get real! We are not children. My professing my love for you does not mean doing something that I don't like and getting rediculed by you because I'm not spending quality time with you! Is it another excuse for you to find to end the relationship?

Love is Temporary

Think about it! What do we do when we are rejected, turned down or kicked to the curb? We feel sorry for ourselves! Our world stops!! We will never love again. We were pressured to act accordingly because that's what proving love is all about. We can be patience for them but they can't be for us. So we stay in these relationships giving excuses why it's necessary to be there. We have the choice and really no one can force us to do what we don't want to do!! Yet, it happens everytime. We always back down, it's what we do. I am still a sucker for love. I still believe it is real and unconditional. I also believe that it is temporary so enjoy it while you can! If that person loves you half as much as you love them, then be honest and communicate. Hopefully, you both can have something to be proud of.

Have A Blessed Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, past, present and future! God blessed you all with bravery, courage, compassion, generosity, kindness, love and wisdom. ...