Thursday, March 19, 2009

Be Reasonable

Fellas, if your woman leaves you, but returns to discuss the reasons for the departure, don’t mistake the conversation as a way to get her in bed. True, you might be making up but that does not give you a reason to pregnate her to show your love. That’s not exactly responsible. A baby is not the answer. Some type of pressure was already the cause of the separation. Why add even more. But it all depends if either of you want the other one back anyway. Pregnancy is a helluva payback. By the way, she might want to get pregnant by you for payback. What an ironic twist. Real love is letting go and knowing that your love is in good hands. Accepting each other for the individuals that they are. Otherwise, if they are abusive in anyway, distrustful of any kind and damn deceitful for whatever reason. Exit, peacefully, and don't look back!


CHANGE said...

Wow that is so true!!!

CHANGE said...

Wow that is so true Solomon! I say to you men please don't think by making a women get pregnant by you is a way to keep her. Men please don't be foolish! It only makes the situation worse. Don't mess her life up just because she wants to leave you. It's called moving on and letting her be. And yes Solomon some women might want to pay the man back and get pregnant. But men if the women has told you no that she is not ready or don't want one don't be foolish and try to make her suffer for your hurt. Don't think she is going to stay with you or is a way for you all to always have a bond together. It's different if you two are on the same page and agree to have one but not because she wants to leave you and you feel that's the only way to keep her and show your true love. Like you say Solomon "Real love is letting go and knowing that your love is in good hands". So I say to you men let her go and move on with her life. Don't try to trap her because if the women DON'T WANT YOU...SHE DON'T WANT YOU. And it doesn't mean that she doesn't love you anymore it's just that she is not in love with you. So let it be and move on for there are more fishes in the sea.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0