Sometimes, we tend to find excuses for the things that don't work out for us. We tend to blame others instead of taking responsibility for our actions, which only elevates the excuses. This behavior also applies to standing up for what is right. We often remain silent and wait for someone else to take the initiative instead of holding ourselves accountable. "What's your excuse, now?" is about empowering ourselves to make choices that will help us feel comfortable and confident in our skin.
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Love You, Mother Bennett!
A few weeks ago, I wrote about my 102-year-old godmother entering the heart hospital due to respiratory issues. She was retained for three days for medication and observation. When she was released, she could not return to independent living and had to be moved to assisted living, requiring 24/7 care. When I visited her at the hospital, it was hard for me to see her in her present condition. I have been so used to seeing her moving about on her own, talking satirically, and being so sharp-minded that I couldn’t speak for a few seconds. I saw a frail, little woman with oxygen tubes gazing into an unknown, unaware that someone was in the room. I called her name and awakened her from her trance. She recognized me after a few minutes of conversation. I felt her pain and concern.
I felt, in my heart, that her desire to leave this world would come true. My wife and I visited her at her new location with her granddaughters. She spoke to us briefly but then nodded off to sleep. This place was where her body and mind would only stay for a while.
This morning, we were told by her granddaughter that she transitioned last night. April 19, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. We know that you are at peace, Mother Bennett. Your pain and suffering are now indescribable and inexpressible joys in heaven, your new home. We love you and will miss you. You have made an amazing impact on many people’s lives.
I believe that Heaven rejoices whenever a family member returns home after their final journey. And we should do the same even as we mourn the loss.
Monday, April 8, 2024
YouTube Dancing, Old School Style!
I found a new video on YouTube that got my attention lately. They aren’t doing anything fancy or particular about it except elderly, black folks swing dancing from the oldies but goldies music from the fifties to the seventies. They are swinging and twirling more than stepping, but it’s interesting to see great-grandparents and grandparents finding time to recreate memories. I don’t recognize most of the music. I tried to use Shazam and Google to identify the artist and song, but neither app recognized the sounds. Some I did, such as Shotgun by Junior Walker and the All-Stars, Barry White, and Al Green from the seventies.
These old folks, dressed in their finest, put aside their walkers and canes, find new dance partners, and enjoy themselves with their dance moves. I remember that in my military days, we wore colorful outfits and shoes to match. According to the video's time, they will dance for at least three hours. I don’t look at them that long, but it may be less than an hour. I enjoy seeing them gliding and acknowledging friends on the dance floor. It could be the music my parents played when I was a child that has me fixated on what memories they had. Or, it could be in my aging process, my memories of when I danced. Then again, how did people see me on the dance floor when I thought I looked cool and dancing smooth? It took being under the influence of alcohol to get me on the dance floor. I needed an excuse to dance. They didn’t.
They have their own building that they attend to hold various functions and celebrate birthdays. The birthday celebrant wears a sash over their shoulders, and people pin money on it. The seniors have their DJ, who is attentive to them, calling them by name, giving them shout-outs, and making the people comfortable. I can only imagine how they feel and long for those days gone by. Deep down inside, I am drawn to them because I am interested in discovering more about my ancestors in Ancestry and Roots Magic. I do imagine what they went through during slavery, emancipation, reconstruction, Jim Crow, and even in these present times. We all need to have pleasant things to think about and press forward.
Always The Good Shepherd!!!
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MORE RESOURCES (The numbers and/or addresses might have changed but it is a start) © Copyright 2005 American Psychiatric Association Americ...
These are my thoughts and concerns. With God, all things are possible, regardless of how things look. Americans cannot afford to forget our ...