Friday, November 26, 2021

Happy Grace Day!

Yesterday was national Thanksgiving Day. Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was back on TV since Covid shut it down last year. Several major department and grocery stores were closed. Families and friends got together to share food and fellowship .Sports fanatics shared wins or losses of their favorite teams most of the day. What a day for many or a reason for some not to celebrate. My experience yesterday was joy and grace. I was among those who because of deaths of loved one and failed relationships had nothing to celebrate. I should have been grateful to even be alive but misery, solitude and denial always won the fight. For several years, I was comfortable being alone. I wasn't caught up in self-pity, I just didn't want to be bothered or obligated to anyone. Thanksgiving was just another day. Until, my wife changed the script. I have learned what forgiveness and mercy and compassion can do for my spirit. She never fails to surprise me. I celebrated the day with her family, cousins and friends. The fact is, she and I prepared the meal from scratch and desserts were supplied by her cousins. I was truly impressed with energetic Milly, a three year child who ran all over the house and backyard. She immediately welcomed herself in our home.  We had more than enough of everything. I talked a big game about being glad when it's over before it started. Yet, at the end I regretted not being able to take pictures of everyone. We were exhausted when the dinner and games were over but realized just how blessed we were. It's easier to find the worse in ourselves, we're surrounded by negativity in and on the air. It's a fight every day. I started searching for grace and found it. I'm not saying its the cure-all. But, it sure helped me peep over the hole I dug for myself. I hope you find grace everyday and be thankful for each one. 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

One Year Later, Mother Irby!

 October 3, 2020, the date you went back home, Mother Irby.  One year later and we all are mourning your transition.  We know it's for the better, but we still miss you.  It's still tough on your girls, they are dealing with it in their own way.  I sincerely believe that you all are interceding for us.  We need all the prayers we  can get.  Love you.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

My Cousin's Thanksgiving Day Settings!!!

I got to give you props, Cuz. You know how to do it! I can't wait for you to get your blog/vlog on line!
Love your!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

We Miss You, Austin! God Bless You!

July 24, 2015.  It's been 6 years since your transition, brother.  You are surely missed. I spoke with your children this week and sent them a few pictures of you from your junior and senior yearbooks.  I saw you in your NJROTC uniform for the first time and you really looked good.  Devin commented how much he looked like you in your younger days.  We all knew that already.  Tia looks like you, too. Teria, took after her mom but has your personality. BTW, her daughter Mai, is cute as a button.  She will be a year old on August 7th.  Of course, you may already be aware of all of this, I don't know.  Nevertheless, we miss you and send our love.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Happy Birthday, Harold!

RIP Barry Singleton, July 27, 1965 to May 15, 2021

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Romans, Chapter 1, Verses 18-34 (Please Read)

Times are tough right now and we are witnessing what has been written centuries ago.  Indeed, mankind has not changed too much.  It will not get much better if the churches can not agree on inclusion.  As long as they remain divisive, so will I nation.  We have left the Creator out of lives and rely on our independence of being successful.  Forgetting that we are branches connected to the vine.


As you know, we are living in unprecedented times which require unprecedented patience and trust.  There are those, not all, in law enforcement that are fearful of people of color and have been impressed by those in politics that it is acceptable to display their divisive nature.  Trust your intuitions at all times and rely on them at appropriate moments.  We have a bigger responsibility to our Creator and family.  Don’t get caught up in keeping in 100.  We will get through this.  We are already dealing with the pandemic.  We will get through this.  Watch As It Turns.  (WAIT).  Remain committed, persevere and be patience.  Be anxious for nothing.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0