Sunday, September 21, 2014

Women at Heart!

Valerie Burton, Columbia  Metropolitan Convention Center, September 20, 2014
Valerie Burton was in Columbia this weekend as the keynote speaker at the Women at Heart event. It was a free heart health forum and exhibition. Valorie is a life coach, author, and motivational speaker. She is also the founder of the Coaching and Positive Psychology Institute (CaPP). Even though we never met, our paths ran parallel because of her family and mine. My mother spoke very highly of Valerie. If Valerie is anything like her mom she is a beautiful person. I would like for you when you have the time to read some of her books and follow her web page.  She is very encouraging and inspirational. Thanks 'DV' for the picture!

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0