Monday, June 30, 2014

Childlike Faith!

“I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15  (NLT).

Close your eyes for a minute, I hope that you are not driving while reading this. Think back to a time and place when you had no concerns or cares.  All that you wanted to do was just eat, play and sleep. Our only world was the one around us where we did not even know about paying bills, taxes or buying gas. Our parents took care of all that and many other grownup things that did not stress us out. We did not stress out too much because our priorities were different and we expected the grownups to take care of problems.

As a little boy, I played stickball in the street, climb trees, rode roller-skate go-carts and took risks never thinking of the consequence because a children we weren’t afraid of anything except the boogeyman. For those children who were blessed to have a father or grandfather in their lives while growing up seemed to have that their father or grandfather could do anything. They were bigger, stronger, and smarter who gave us just about whatever we wanted. They also got the biggest dinner plate but that was okay because they had to be strong. They also issued the discipline when mom felt that she could not get through to us.  

As I grew older with responsibilities, those worries that my parents had came rushing in. I had a job that I no longer enjoyed. I had bosses that I could not trust and my fears and doubts began to seep in. I felt overwhelmed and frustrated.  A door was closing and I could not keep it open.  The peculiar thing about it is that I had prayed for a change.  I just wanted it done my way. I forgot my faith in the present while too busy thinking about my future. I had bill collectors that didn’t care as long as I paid the bills on time. I had overcome a lot of obstacles and challenges but believed that God got me through even though my faith was not as strong as it should have been. As the years passed by, I began to dwell upon the days of my childhood, searching for the antidote to cure all those fears that were making me lose my way. My antidote was approaching God with childlike belief.

When I was young, I did not need to worry, my parents would take care of my problems.  I would bring my problems to them and expect them to handle it which they did. I had not developed my faith in God at the time but I sure had faith in my parents. I did believe in angels because of the pictures I saw with angels standing behind little children.  Also, my mom told me that everyone had a guardian angel especially children since they are innocent to the world's demands. The world has a way of leaving scars inside of you if you are not prepared. My memory of angels revived when they began to show themselves to me in adulthood. I knew they were angels because strangers walked up to me to tell everything will be alright and God is with you.  They were people I never met and never saw again.  It was at those moments that begin to lead me back to dependence in God.

My faith is growing stronger day by day but it is not easy.  My faith knows that God is always beside me and is always concerned about my well-being.  As I begin to let go and lean on God, I am becoming the man God wants me to be. I still have those days those worries try to overtake me -yet I refuse to be defeated. The pressures of this world want us to take our focus off of God.  He is my fortress and I will walk anywhere He leads, knowing God will never leave me.

So, the next time you feel yourself caught up in the fear of this world, close your eyes tightly for a moment and picture that child who walked without looking over their shoulders; the person you were before the world took it’s toll on you.

Today I pray that as you approach those trees in your life that remain unclimbed, you will grab onto a branch and go to new heights. I pray that God will never let you fall. And most of all, I pray, that as you are transformed through His will, you will have “the light of the world” right beside you every step of the way.

RIP, Meshach Taylor!

Meshach Taylor in Los Angeles in 1989.CreditImage by Nick Ut/Associated Press
Meshach Taylor, the actor best known as the friendly colleague of four Southern women on the popular sitcom “Designing Women,” died on Saturday, June 28, 2014, at his home near Los Angeles. He was 67.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Thoughts About My Blog!

I started this blog some time ago to keep a journal about the things that happened in my life.  Instead, it expanded to a place for my opinions and thoughts.  Any way you look at it, this is my forum for sharing my feelings about what affects me.  No, I’m not talking about sensitivity I’m talking about the things and people that have affected me. I think we all have the same way of thinking but may not have the opportunity to put it on paper.  Some of our thoughts and actions are very confidential and we don’t want or need anyone to criticize us about the way we are.  There are lists of reasons not to record what we think or do.

I do this because I hope that it can help someone.  I’m not sure people even read my blogs but there will be a time that could help someone face their challenges and avoid making the wrong decisions.  For me, the blog is a platform to express myself, spiritually, emotionally and socially.  Notice that I did not say financially. You can’t talk about something you don’t know.

One thing we all know is that people and environments around us shape us into who we are.  We also know that if we develop our attitude it can help us change for the better.  We learn something from everyone in our journey of living, sometimes it’s good and sometimes not.  Sometimes what we thought was good for us turned out not being so good at all.  We can carry the not-so-good with us and wonder why we attract negativity to us.  We can put that mess behind us, forgive and move forward.  I learned after time that the people that “surprised” us did not care or lose any sleep for their offenses.  I also learned that I was not any different from them. What made me think that I was any better?  I have affected lives, too. I don’t recall losing any sleep on what I did but I can remember staying up at nights thinking about what other people did to me.  I hope you get the point.

Despite what you might think, we are not on this journey alone and actions affect others just as they affect us.  We have to face our inner selves and ask the strong questions.  What do we want from life?  How will we get it?  What will we sacrifice?  Who will this affect?  How long will it last?  Who can we trust to share our life with?  We can achieve our biggest dream, lose everything else to get it and we are still not guaranteed that we can even keep it.  We don’t even know how long we will even live to enjoy it! We need to figure out a way to get along with each other on this planet and make it happen. What is worth our objective?  Some objectives can be either success or getting into heaven.  Both are not easy but success does not have to be measured in dollars. What is your joy? You know what I’m talking about.

Each moment we live and breathe we should be grateful that we have another opportunity to do and be better!  Each day is a learning experience and I pray that we can get the best out of it!

Official My Heart Sings Video by William McDowell

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Congratulations Corporal William Kyle Carpenter, Medal of Honor Recipient!

President Barack Obama shakes hands with retired Marine Cpl. William "Kyle" Carpenter after awarding him the Medal of Honor, Thursday, June 19, 2014, in the East Room of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Today, June 19, 2014, Corporal Carpenter was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Obama at a ceremony in the White House in Washington, D.C. Corporal Carpenter will be the eighth living recipient to be awarded the Medal of Honor for actions in Iraq or Afghanistan. He served as a rifleman in the U.S. Marines. He was medically retired as a Corporal due to his wounds. Carpenter is credited with attempting to shield a fellow Marine, Lance Cpl. Nick Eufrazio, from a grenade blast in combat operations in Afghanistan on November 21, 2010. He lost his right eye and spent over two years recovering from other injuries. Both Marines survived the blast but suffered major injuries. Corporal Carpenter is currently attending the University of South Carolina in Columbia.  Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (John 15:13 NIV).

Monday, June 16, 2014

RIP, Casey Kasem!

I remember listening to Casey and the Top 40 many years ago while I was in the inventory.  He kept me awake when I drove home from the naval base in Virginia back to South Carolina. His signature sign-off was, "Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars."  You did good, Casey!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

I commend you honorable men who sacrificed and got things accomplished with the best of your abilities to provide, protect and care for your families!  God bless you!  God bless the father's that are stressed, weary, exhausted, hurt and frustrated by dealing with the demands of this world to be responsible role models for their children.  God bless the new fathers who had no previous models to accept the new role of being responsible for the children they have brought into this world and will just have to follow their instincts and not abandon their loved ones. God bless the "baby daddies" to accept their responsibilities and stop making excuses for not having their own father in their lives.  We can not ignore the women behind all of these men who encourage, support and engage in a truthful, honest conversation to let these men that they are not in this world alone.  Faith with time and patience are just a few requirements to make men strong.  God and prayer at the forefront of any relationship with make us all stronger.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

RIP, Ruby Dee!

Ruby and Ossie - Photo by Chester Higgins, Jr./NYT
Another phenomenal woman, Ruby Dee transitioned to a higher level. Ruby Dee passed today at 91! She's meeting with her husband, Ossie, about a new stage play which they will be again the leading characters. Ossie Davis, also her stage partner passed away in 2005 at the age of 87.  Ruby and Ossie participated in 11 stage productions and five movies during long parallel careers – the two together they helped pave the road for two generations of black performers.  They were also both active in civil rights and a classy couple. They were the Ashford and Simpson of the stage. Our prayers are with them and their family!

Nothing As Powerful As A Changed Mind - Bishop T. D. Jakes!

Time spent well worth listening to!  You are never to old to listen and learn.  Some of us are still learning the hard way.

Friday, June 6, 2014

June 6, 1944 – D-Day!

In preparation for the invasion, artillery equipment is loaded aboard LCTS at an English port. BrixhamEngland.
1 June 1944. Photo by Nehez. SC206438
Today, June 6, 2014, marks the 70th anniversary of the military term D-Day which a planned military operation began. June 6, 1944, was the day that allied forces joined together to take the fight to their enemies in Western Europe. The US, with the British and Canadian forces, some 156,000 of them landed on five beaches spreading along a 50-mile stretch of France’s Normandy area. It took a great deal of planning to deceive the Germans of the invasion but it worked. Nevertheless, there were thousands of casualties and some 4,000 plus deaths.  These brave people gave their all so that we can have the freedom we have now. Franklin D. Roosevelt was President at the time but died in 1945. It was the time that WWII was coming to an end.

Despite the freedoms, we have some of us have taken them to the extreme.  We disrespect our current President publicly with no apologies because of free speech.  Even though if we had lost the war would our free speech be abolished?  Would I be able to write this blog?  We have the right to bear arms but in some areas in America we can flaunt it in the government’s face and take our guns in public settings not under threat but intimidating to others. What will happen when good guys stand their ground against other good guys? Will a misunderstanding be resolved peacefully or with gunplay? How many innocent people will be affected? What do we do when our politicians are more concerned about their personal interests than for the people? The real winners are the arms dealers. They promote fear and increase gun sales. A vote is a powerful weapon when you have thousands, it can change the political environment. Let's hope people use common sense.

The President is facing more controversy for trading a soldier for five terrorists. I don’t have the complete details on how Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was captured and the reasons behind it. It seems that he might not get a hero's welcome. He might not receive anything favorable. But he is home! As for the terrorists, have we forgotten the drones? If anything, those guys will be looking over their shoulders as long as they live.  Our combat soldiers returning home will carry much more than that for the rest of their lives.  They lost friends, fellow soldiers and seen things they couldn't help but see.  The VA and their families will have to deal with PTSD and other mental disorders that can put those soldiers on the edge. Pray that they don't commit suicide or homicides.

We also need to be concerned about the shootings and stabbings here in America. There is a litany of murders taking place across college campuses and homes.  First Responders have to be extremely careful while carrying out their duties.  I wonder if those soldiers who died for this country in past and current wars expected this kind of reaction from the people and country they died for.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Kingdom - Common featuring Vince Staples! Adult language!

Common is an intellectually, socially-conscious rapper. "Kingdom," his latest song, is a profound exploration of religion and violence in Chicago. Harsh language but very thought provoking.  This is the first time I ever used sound cloud. Our young people are longing for guidance and love!

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0