Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Never Forget Their Ultimate Sacrifice!

Veterans Day has come and gone and for some already forgotten!  Men and women who supported this country with military service are not treated as the heroes they are.  Instead, many lose their dignity, respect, and ability to find sustaining jobs because of ill-effects from the war.  What they have seen, felt and lost will never be replaced with a thank you for your service comment.  I'm not diminishing that statement, I'm saying that because most civilians appreciate what these survivors have done.  I am deeply concerned that many of our politicians can do more for our military but instead give them lip service.  At times, some VA doctors have been treating combat PTSD vets with more medication than treating the psychological problem.  I could talk more about this but it would continue to fall on deft ears.  Our military men and women deserve more!  Remember:  All gave some but some gave all!

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