President Barack Obama was re-elected despite the disrespect and obstacles set before him.
The obstinate neocons determined that they would make this President a one term President was undermined by the American people who voted for continuation of the program President Obama started.
The economy is on the way up and I wonder who would take the credit for it.
This is also such a sad time that
America has to face the reality that racism is alive and well.
Please don’t patronize me by saying that you have a problem with his policies.
And don’t use Rush, Glenn, or Shawn biased words.
I will give you an example why I used racism.
A fellow of a different appearance that works in the same building that I work in would always in passing speak to me throughout the year.
It was always a polite greeting.
But this morning, he walked right by me as if I didn’t exist.
No, I did not speak out and there is no excuse.
I wanted to analyze the situation.
He did not know what political affiliation that I belonged to.
Most of my co-workers and friends know that I’ve been a Republican for 40 years.
But what I saw was an angry white man who looked at my color and assumed that because I am Black, I must be a Democrat and voted for the four more years for the President.
He’s partially correct, I did vote for the President but not because he is Black or biracial.
I voted for him because he has been consistent throughout his campaign.
Governor Romney never defined to me what he was going to do for the middle class.
We heard his various speeches appealing to different groups people.
He was like a chameleon as far as I was concerned.
Romney was selling me something but he wasn’t showing me anything.
What these extreme political pundits have done is succeeding to
polarize this great nation.
They don’t really love this country as a whole.
They love the benefits of getting wealthy off the hatemongers.
The GOP has forgotten the people who are suffering because of social and economic issues.
Look around you.
Nooses around this man’s effigies, blatant phrases of “need
more angry white men”, and
white people are now the minority.
Ole Miss even had a
riot protesting the presidential results.
What do we want for the citizens of
We can buy more guns and they can still wind up in the wrong hands.
We can still continue drinking from the poison well of negative voices and still fake that we are Christians.
Or we can return to the most important commandments that Christ said:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. Matthew 22:37-40.