Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rest In Peace, Mrs. Ardis!

A graveside service for Carrie Lou Britton Ardis, 91, will be held at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in Greenlawn Memorial Park. Dunbar Funeral Home, Devine Street Chapel, is assisting the family.  Mrs. Ardis died Saturday, March 17, 2012, in Woodbury, Tenn. Born October 22, 1920 in Lee County, she was a daughter of the late Len C. and Ida D. Britton.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Just Want To Thank You, Lord!

We get so busy and caught up in our problems sometimes that the most important thing for us to do is get control over them and handle our business.  Our main focus is what can we do to resolve this mess? I’m not talking about the small things, I’m talking about losses, health, relationships, financial, employment problems and other life-changing events that put our lives in a tailspin that will make us forever different.  In the midst of these body aches and headaches, we tend to forget God, who is our stabilizer, and concentrate on what is immediately in front of us.  We’ve all been through some type of pain and trouble and managed to get through it.  Looking back we wondered how did we survive it all?  But, we did.  Lord knows it hurt but we made it.  I just want to take this time to thank God for being there with me in the middle of the fire.  I also need to apologize that I didn’t mean to ignore Him because I didn’t see Him when all along He was with me.  An elderly friend of mine, Momma Bennett, says she doesn’t worry, God wouldn’t have brought her this for to leave her now.  I’ll always remember that.  We all have a testimony because we were found worthy to testify.  As soap, cleans; fire, purifies; and faith, heals; we are all thankful that we made it this far in our lives with what we have.  Thank you, Lord!

Friday, March 9, 2012

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. Isaiah 11:1

Internet email on relationships: Beautiful and profound.

Some of my midlife suffering came from tensions within my marriage. While (my husband) Sandy and I were away for a weekend at a lakeside cabin, the internal wrestling became intense. Growth versus fallowness. Old wounds versus new healing. Freedom versus commitment. Choosing versus settling for. Leveling versus starting over. Hope versus despair. They were all there.

Early one morning we took a walk, moving through the shadows and listening to the crunch of pine cones beneath our shoes. The path wound uphill, getting steeper. I couldn't help but think how appropriate that was. Marriage has its own steep hills.

On the pinnacle of the hill, I paused to catch my breath. Sandy wandered ahead, "Look!" he called. Standing twenty yards ahead he was pointing to a scarred tree stump. "Come closer." I came closer. And there, growing in the center of the stump, was the green shoot of a new oak tree.

I don't know how long we stood side by side gazing at the new tree "hatching" from the old stump. All I know is that it seemed to me God was speaking eloquently once again about rebirth . . . a simple message about how life comes out of death and healing comes out of scars and wounds. The message said that rebuilding can happen after leveling. It said that hope is bigger than despair.

I looked at Sandy. Could we heal the wounds?

As we continued on the trail in the woods, I reached a "combustion point." I felt a firming inside me of the truth, as if the knowing had begun to congeal in my soul. And not just the knowing but the desire to unfold it, the strength to follow it. A little act of creation happened right then. A little birth. An "eastering."

I slipped my hand into Sandy's. "I love you," I whispered. It was the first time in so long that I had said the words. I felt his fingers tighten around mine. "I know. I love you too," he said.

By: Sue Monk Kidd

A Downright Shame!!!

If I seem to spread out on different topics in this blog, I apologize. My intentions are to keep what I say as tightly as I can. But I have to address these issues, though separate, but very connected to one common denominator. I will get to that common thread in a moment after I make my points. I have learned many things as I’ve gotten older but we all know that people will not always agree with each other. Sometimes the disagreements can lead to broken relationships, friendships, divorces, unemployment, and even violence. What I missed, you can fill in. I’m just at a point like the rest of America, angry. Not the same kind of anger with the government and taking the country back to wherever it was, but angry because of the lack of respect for a United States President who biracial with a Middle Eastern name. I always wondered if his name was John and he was born in Pennsylvania and attended a Baptist church, would he be treated any different. Deep inside, I think he would still be disrespected by certain areas of America.  Now the militias and patriot groups are building up from 149 to 1200 more than a 755% increase since the President has been elected. The reasons for this so-called explosive growth are the economy and the reelections. The reelections are literally exercises in how political officials are not to behave. Let’s be clear, again, I do not base my opinion of a person because of their skin color. It’s their behavior and character that I weigh my concerns. These candidates are lying to the people saying everything that the voters want to hear. They can’t promise us everything, just like our President found out. But are they willing to go to battle for all Americans. I don’t believe that these candidates are able and will. There have been too many opportunities for these guys to step up and tone down the hatred and name calling. Either they are afraid or not man enough to step up to the plate, they just want the votes. Well, these guys are not man enough. Not one of them has mentioned about bringing a compromise to Washington. They haven’t even mentioned bringing back civility and cohesiveness to the country. They just want to take back America before President Obama takes it into the wrong direction. We have some soldiers being disrespectful to their Commander-in Chief. What is wrong with this picture? We have gang members and skin-heads in the military already eventually this will come to head. Then what? There are powers in this country that want a race war to cover up their real intentions, to have a class war. Keep them poor, broke and uneducated and you can lead them anywhere. What a shame!  I can go on with this but no need. People will disagree but it doesn’t make them all racists if they disagree with a minority and vice-versa. We can respect each other for that. But be man enough not use your disagreements to cover your own bigotry and racists attitude. Just call it the way it is. I’ll respect you more.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6, 2012!!!

Four years ago in 2008, in the late Thursday evening, I had no idea that I would nearly drowned in the darkness of hopelessness. It was the day that was the last time I talked to my mother. It is as clear now as it was then of our last conversation. When we last spoke at 6 PM she told me that she wasn’t feeling well. I offered to go home to see her and she asked that I not to because she will be alright. After I called 30 minutes later and couldn’t reach her, I begin calling friends to go check on her. I called her every 30 minutes but to no avail. Each minute got longer and longer. By 11 PM, my friend told her that they found mom in a coma. That was the last we spoke. She passed March 24, 2008.  My life spiraled but I’m sure it was no different from others who had lost someone they loved. I didn’t think about anyone else at the time, only her. My brother had just celebrated his birthday on March 2nd. I’m sure his birthdays will always be different. I just wanted to get this off my chest today, because it was important to me. I have such fond memories of her that I will always cherish forever. Mom used to tell me that death is passage that we all will have to go through. I suppose my being so naïve even in middle age that she wouldn’t ever leave. I give God the glory and thanks for allowing to stay in my life this long. If it wasn’t for God and the supportive friends that He surrounded me with, I would not have maintained my stability. God is so good! He’s always been good to me, I just never noticed until I got older. As “the Preacher” says, “We don’t realize our mortality until we get older.” I pray for you and you pray for me.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m...

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