Monday, April 4, 2011

She Really Is Not Into You!

Fellows, I learned that no matter how much a man tries to appeal to a woman’s best interest, if she doesn’t want you, nothing is going to work.  She doesn’t want a relationship and she doesn’t want to be with you.  A “friend” is a term that she’ll use to keep you at arms distance.  In other words, “friends” don’t have to talk to you until they want to talk or need something.  Remember; she doesn’t want a relationship, she just got through a bad one.  She’s just not into you!  She really doesn’t want a friendship but she thinks that you might be a nutcase and do something stupid.  So, to avoid all of that getting to know each other and spending quality time doing so, she simply avoids talking to you during prescribed times.  Fellows, we’ll just need to fade out of their lives.  It’s not that they want us in it, anyway.  All the woman has to say is, “You don’t fit the profile of the type of man, I’m looking for.”  Or she can say, “You’re not my type and there is no chance in hell, I want you as a part of my life.  I don’t want to go to concerts or events with you.  I don’t want us to visit each other, and I definitely can’t see us as a couple.”  Understand that there is always one person in a potential relationship that loves the other more.  If you’re not compatible, drift away, my brother.  No use fooling yourself.  There’s no harm if you were buying her things, if you thought they she would look good in them.  You just might not ever see how your gifts would look on her but that’s life.  So regardless of how good you think she looks or how much she will make your life better, get out of the way and get a life.  Stop hoping, wishing, and praying that she’ll see the good in you.  She really is not into you!


Anonymous said...

This works both ways. We ladies need to realize and recognize when a man isn't into us and walk away too.

Solomon2007 said...

So very true, Anon.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0