Monday, October 5, 2009

That Inner Voice

Sometimes we are so busy rushing through the routines of life that we don’t have or take the time to listen to the Voice of God. I mean we get so wrapped up going to work, doing our work, picking up the kids, running to the store, cleaning up the house, dealing with traffic congestions, and maintaining our sanity that we actually don’t have the time to make time for a moment of peace. This is what we do! We rip and run to show that we are productive and not wasting our time. We don’t think about the stress and strain brought on by some of our own self-inflicted necessities. We are in such a hurry that sometimes, we ignore that inner voice that tells us to take another route or do something differently. Then we get perturbed with ourselves when we are stuck in traffic or didn’t look down when we should have. I usually say, I knew I should have done it the way my mind told me. Okay, we ignored the Voice that time. But what do we do when we’re supposed to be enjoying ourselves and don’t take the time to appreciate it? Do we take the time to eat with our families? Keep up with old friends? Greet passersby with a smile? Do we really take the time to appreciate the sights during our walks? What about looking at our loved ones? Do we even bother to take the time to pray and thank God during our busy schedules? Miracles are happening every day and we don’t notice. We separate ourselves from God and ourselves for the sake of completing today’s mission. Today, we’re already planning what to do tomorrow. We have to! If we can get a jump and expect the unexpected we think we are already one step ahead. We’ve forgotten that we are on loan. Whether it’s today or tomorrow, nothing is guaranteed except death and taxes.

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Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0