What's Your Excuse, Now?

Sunday, July 10, 2016

It's Hard to Let Go!

For Some People It's Hard To Let Go Of The Past!

Get Well Soon, Dorothy!

Grace and Mercy!

Mercy & Grace

Mercy withholds the knife from the heart of Isaac.
Grace provides a lamb in the thicket.

Genesis 22:11-14

Mercy runs to forgive the prodigal.
Grace throws a party with a robe, a ring, and a fatted calf.

Luke 15:20-24

Mercy hears the cries of the thief on the cross.
Grace promises paradise that very day.

Luke 23:39-43

Mercy converts Paul on the road to Damascus.
Grace calls him to be an apostle.

Acts 9:1-6, 17

Mercy keeps us out of Hell.
Grace takes us to heaven.

Ephesians 2:8-9

And the difference between mercy and grace is this . . .

Mercy withholds from us what we deserve.
Grace gives us what we do not deserve.

Romans 5:20

Friday, June 24, 2016

Tom Clay..What The World Needs Now (Abraham,Martin and John)

This might seem new to some of you, but always appropriate for all of us! We still need to hear this message. There have been so many lives lost to violence due to hatred.

Stay strong, Dot! You're in my prayers!

Have A Blessed Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, past, present and future! God blessed you all with bravery, courage, compassion, generosity, kindness, love and wisdom. ...