What's Your Excuse, Now?

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's Been Six Years!

Time has really gone by fast but it still doesn't relieve me from the emptiness that I feel from missing my mother.  Yet, I know that she is with the Lord and He has filled that emptiness with an undying love and memory.  So many people have lost the people they love and by obeying God's Will, we will see them again.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Rest in Peace, Karen and "Fats!"

One thing that happens when you get older is that the people you knew either change or move on.  But what you realize is that moving on does not mean leaving your neighborhood, life or job.  What I found out is that moving on is moving towards a new life on another plane.  Two of my childhood friends and cousins have moved on from this world to the next.  Gerald "Fat Daddy" Webb, 57, departed this life last Wednesday, March 5, 2014.  He really wasn't fat.  His older sister, Karen Webb-Martin, 62, left the day before on Tuesday, March 4, 2014.  I don't know what happened but I do know that God's Will is done.  I pray for a blessed and peaceful journey.

Happy Belated Birthday, Austin!

My baby brother is now 61!  God bless you!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

What is Wrong With Some of Our Church Leaders?

Something is very wrong with this picture; it promotes fear, paranoia and hate.  Regardless, the author hurls insults at too many people except at himself.  Some much can be said about this "shepherd" bringing souls to God.  I’m sure that he could have found a better way to voice his opinion than this. (See below).

“This is devastating what Obama is doing to the black man and the black woman, and how the white homo is now moving into the black neighborhoods looking for black men that have been converted into homosexuality. But black woman let me say something to you: you have a very hard time competing against a white homosexual male. He's usually got money -- a white homo usually has an American Express card. He usually has an opportunity at the theater -- homos love the theater. They love to go out to dinners, parties, they love that kind of a thing... black people need to rise up in mass and recognize the utter destruction that Obama is going in to destroy the black family with these homosexual statements that he has done and release of demons.”


Thank God that His patience and mercy is for all of us!  We are all covered by the Blood of Jesus!  We need to get our house in order!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Seeing the Works of God!

Others went out on the sea in ships; they were merchants on the mighty waters. They saw the works of the Lord.... - Psalm 107:23-24

Sometimes God takes us into such deep waters that we lose control of the situation, and we have no choice but to fully trust in His care for us. This is doing business in great waters. It is in these great waters that we see the works of God.

The Scriptures tell us that the disciples testified of what they saw and heard. It was the power behind the gospel, not the words themselves, which changed the world. The power wasn't seen until circumstances got to the point that there were no alternatives but God. Sometimes God has to take us into the deep water in order to give us the privilege to see His works.

Sometimes God takes us into the deep waters of life for an extended time. Joseph was taken into deep waters of adversity for 17 years. Rejection by his brothers, enslavement to Pharaoh, and imprisonment were the deep waters for Joseph. During those deep waters, he experienced dreams, a special anointing of his gifts to administrate, and great wisdom beyond his years. The deep water was preparation for a task that was so great he never could have imagined it. He was to see God's works more clearly than anyone in his generation. God had too much at stake for a 30-year-old to mess it up. So, God took Joseph through the deep waters of preparation to ensure that he would survive what he was about to face. Pride normally engulfs such young servants who have such access to power at such a young age.

If God chooses to take us into deep waters, it is for a reason. The greater the calling, the deeper the water. Trust in His knowledge that your deep waters are preparation to see the works of God in your life. 

Source: From an inspiring email

Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy New Year, 2014!

A new year is coming! Choose to  let go of what was, learn from the experience and focus on what can be!   To your future!  May it be the best yet to come!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Have A Blessed and Safe Christmas! Merry Christmas!

There are many people stressing at this time of year for many reasons.  Some financially, some lonely, some experiencing a past or recent loss and others for unknown reasons.  We must still try our best to focus on the reason for the season.  Yes, Christmas has been commercialized, but we don't have to buy into the commercialism.  We don't need to stress out for getting the right gifts for those special someones or wanting the right gift.  Our gifts for each other are from the heart not the wallet.  The greatest gift was given to us to receive eternal life.  How great can God's love be for us? We must do our best to be patient and understanding towards each other not just during the holidays but throughout the year.  It's not easy, believe me, I know!  But we can try.  I wish you all the very best for the new year.

Have A Blessed Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, past, present and future! God blessed you all with bravery, courage, compassion, generosity, kindness, love and wisdom. ...