Thursday, November 25, 2010

Have No Fear, God Will See You Through!

It's pretty simple.  Trust in the Lord, be faithful and patient through troubling times, and God will take you to the next level.  Be thankful and appreciate what you have!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We all tend to forget at times how blessed we are!  We take for granted God's awesome blessings such as sight, sound, smelling, hearing, and touching.  There are so many people without any of these functions and yet we still whine about the situation we're in.  Most of the time, we forget that we are where God wants us to be and until we put our total faith in Him, we will always remain the same.  So many of our friends and family has left this world and we do mourn for them.  But there are others still here suffering much worse than we can even fathom.  Let's be thankful for at least one day and appreciate what God has given us.  This Thanksgiving let's be patient, kind, and understanding towards our loved ones and each other, past and present.  Cherish these precious moments with them and appreciate them.  We may not have that opportunity again.  I wish you all a bless and wonderful day of thanks.  I hope you'll remember to try to continue the days after towards each other in respect and civility.

Nobody Greater by Vashawn Mitchell

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day!

It seemed like a few months ago that I wrote about Veterans Day, even though a year has passed by that fast.  I attended the parade again this year and it was even bigger and longer.  The little school kids chanted USA, USA, USA, everytime they saw men and women in uniforms pass them by.  The combat veterans, POWs, and the former soldiers in wheelchairs got loud claps and cheers.  Yes, soldiers who took the long trek rode in their wheel chairs because they were proud of what they gave up for this country.  There are many others who are still sacrificing and giving up so much for what they believe in.  We as American citizens owe these men and women much more than just parades.  We should get on the horn and tell our representatives in politics to get out of these unnecessary wars.  So many of these wars are making a lot of money for the fat cats at the expense of these proud, fighting soldiers.  Let us never forget that so many gave some, but some gave all.  Many of these soldiers might be home but they left their souls in another land.  And some, never came back home.  Keep these courageous men and women in your prayers.  Never forget!

Rest In Peace, Bo!

Ginger & Bo

The Hood - Ros, Odis, LaShaune, Ginger, Major Stewart
Rev. Exell Patterson, Bo or Bubba to his friends and family, went to his heavenly home last Wednesday, November 5, 2010.  He was born in 1952.  Bo was a big and tall man, who had the temperament of a grizzly when needed but the disposition of a teddy bear.   He was married to Ginger, a wonderful, kind former co-worker of ours.  Ginger is a founder and permanent member of "The Hood."  She hit some rough bumps but Bo was always by her side.  Currently, she is on dialysis and Bo was her caretaker and knight.  Bo was a loving husband, father and friend; well respected throughout the community.  He truly was an example of how a husband should love and respect his wife and family.  He will surely be missed.  Our prayers are with Ginger and her family.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Guest Writer - Thanks, Lady Z!

I’m still amazed that a woman of Indian descent has been elected governor in SC.

The bottom line though is that these people are going to get what they asked for since they were voting against President Obama. If you listened to most of the ads, they all focused on Washington (translated Obama J) instead of campaigning on South Carolina issues. So all of these folks who think that the nation is going in the wrong direction b/c a black man is in the white house are going to be in for a surprise when the economy doesn’t turn around by the end of the year and unemployment is still as high as it is now in six months to a year from now. They’re either too stupid or too prejudiced or both to realize and understand that it is going to take more than two years to turn things around. It took longer than two years to get into this mess. All of this is just a new version of playing the race card.

Whew!   Straight to the point, my sister!  Short & sweet!  Thanks for the assist! 

Have A Purpose-filled Day On Purpose!

The Wilson Family

Nikki Haley

Election Day is over!  No more negative ads!  The people have spoken!  The GOP has taken over the House and a number of seats in their respected districts and states.  There are father and son combinations in this state in extreme decision making positions, Congressman Joe Wilson and his son, Alan as Attorney General.  Yes, the same Joe Wilson who disrespected the President of the United States nationally with the “You lie” outburst in the esteemed chambers of Congress.  He did apologize later.  Joe was rewarded by being reelected.  I guess no other President has ever done anything wrong to have Joe’s emotions get the best of him.  The son is now in place to replace the father some day.  The good ‘ole boy network is alive, doing well, and accepted.  We have our first female governor, Nikki Haley, who is of East Indian descent.  She enters the office already with a cloud of controversy.   That doesn’t matter since, this is a red state that normally frowns on women in leadership positions and has some of the highest domestic violence rates in the nation, would rather have a Republican female and a minority over a Democratic white male.  Regardless of the most qualified, the vote was for anyone who was a Republican.  Let’s just pray that those elected, newly and veteran will have all of the peoples’ interests at heart.  Money talks and big corporations got the money to change even a strong man’s heart.  We’ll see how strong and committed some of these officials are.  Well, the mean people seem to be very happy now.  I wonder if that will change.  I will remain a moderate and less of an Ultra.  If God blesses you, you should bless others.  But those that did not vote expect to see some more cutbacks in social programs, such as welfare, education and jobs.  No need to complain now, you should have gotten off your butts and voted.  Be adult enough to accept your responsibilities and don’t move back in with your parents.  I was depressed and negative about this new look but these same types of political changes occurred in 1994 under Bill Clinton.  He got reelected.  The differences between the times are the Ultras will do everything within their power not give this President a second term.  Our nation is at a crossroads and the only direction most people want to go will involve less government, less spending and more state rights.  My only concern is will state rights be repetitive of the Jim Crow days or Post Reconstruction?  I need to get over this negative attitude and remember that God is always in control. Thanks, Cheryl!  I need to act purposely in having a positive, purpose-filled day!  Thanks, Plina!

Great Job Coach Prime!

     Let’s discuss something good and decent for a change. It may not be much, but it’s worth discussing. It may have some negative connotat..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0