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Friday, June 11, 2010

A Reminder Of Our History

An undated rare photo provided by Keya Morgan, found in a North Carolina attic, depicts two slave children, art historians say. In April, the photo was found at a moving sale in Charlotte, accompanied by a document detailing the sale of John for $1,150 in 1854. The picture was purchased for $30,000 and $20,000 for the sale document by collector Keya Morgan. Morgan said the deceased owner of the home where the photo was found was thought to be a descendant of John. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Keya Morgan,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

This is Some Tacky Frackenackel Bull!!

Gary Coleman and his wife had a stormy past – Coleman pleaded guilty to domestic violence in February, but Santaquin Police Chief Dennis Howard tells PEOPLE, "There was absolutely nothing suspicious about (Coleman's) death. There is no (criminal) investigation going on." Gary drove himself to hospital after the accident because his ex, Shannon Price who lived with Coleman, was too ill to take him. He was diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage, fell into a coma and died on May 28. Gary Coleman's estranged parents learned of the former child star's death in the media and now they want answers on how he died. Coleman sued his parents in 1989 for allegedly stealing his fortune, a claim they refuted. This woman who said that they were planning to remarry and that she has a will that gives her everything is very suspicious. How can you take deathbed pictures and sell them before the man is buried? So much for love and dead men can’t talk. I hope Gary haunts her ass. Sources say three of the four photos, which Gary's ex-wife Shannon orchestrated, may hit stands as early as this week. One of the photos that was sold shows Shannon posing next to a bedridden Gary who is riddled with tubes.

How Embarrassing!!!

Less than a day after Alvin Greene scored an upset victory in South Carolina’s Democratic Senate primary, the state party has begun a PR campaign to push him out following news that he faces a felony-grade obscenity charge. Earlier today, news broke that Greene, a 32-year-old Army veteran, was arrested and charged in November on accusations he had showed obscene photos to a University of South Carolina student. Greene declined to comment on the accusations to The Associated Press. An unemployed military veteran who raised no funds and put up no campaign website shocked South Carolina's Democratic Party leadership by capturing the nomination to face Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint in November. Besides lacking a politician’s polish, this guy seems to have a problem communicating to the press. I’m still not sure what Mr. Greene’s platform is. He doesn’t seem to budge after the Democrat’s pressure to step down. Congressman Clyburn is requesting an investigation. How can unemployed person come up with $10,000? Long story short, if the Republican’s did put up the money to set this guy up against DeMint, they got more than their money’s worth. Not only did an unknown win the primary, which on the surface seems as smart as a squirrel. They also embarrassed the Democratic Party and the people who voted for him. If you don’t do your research or can’t find any information on your candidate, don’t vote for that candidate. If the Republicans did pay for Mr. Greene’s fees, they paid him more to stay in the position. So much for team work.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Did You Vote Today??

I sincerely hope that you did vote!  Don't complain if your candidate didn't win.   You must make the effort.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stop the Complaining and Start the Praying!!!

If you think that you are the only person with serious problems, think again. You are not alone. Most of the time, we’re feeling sorry for ourselves and wallow around in self-pity so that it can cover every inch of our bodies. Sort of like getting all covered up with mud so that everybody can see what you’re going through. This speaks levels. Once we get caught up in our own gook, we begin losing our confidence, our belief in our selves and very slowly our self-esteem begins to decline. We’re a train wreck and we haven’t even ran off the tracks. In fact, the collision from the other train is so far away that we have already began the countdown for the crash. We’re so busy about the crash ahead that we can’t even think about evasive actions and checking maps to see if there are other tracks ahead so that we can switch. Our focus lies in our supposedly inevitable crash and feeling sorry for ourselves that we don’t think straight. All we can do now is complain about our demise and the pitiful situation we’re in. It’s what we do and we do it so well. My brothers and sisters in Christ, we lose our faith every day and fight for it everyday. The way to gain ground is through prayer, without we’ll only concentrate on the negatives. As a saying goes, negative thinking draws the negatives to you. If you can’t control it, it will start affecting your relationship with others. You won’t be able to see the good in them because you’re caught up in self-pity. Well, stop complaining about your problems and start praying for wisdom and understanding to deal with them. There is not one person on this earth living and now dead that did not have serious problem or problems in their lives. Sometimes when we think we overcame one problem another shows up right behind it. Just when we thought we were getting ahead, we just got backed up a couple of steps. God will give us only what we can bear. Though there are times that it seems that it a lot to take. We tried crying, begging, borrowing, even asking others to pray for us. We half-heartedly say a few prayers until we’re straight again and stop praying until another bad time. We got it wrong! We need to pray all of the time. It’s like exercising. It becomes automatic and we maintain our focus. Yes, I believe prayer works and I believe you do, too. Think about it. Thinking back, we’ve all have gone through some stuff and wondered how did we get through it. Thank God, He’s always there. He keeps His part of the promise but we take our part for granted. We got to do better with prayer and faith or we’ll lose more than our friendships and lives. We’ll lose our souls, too.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

U Don’t Have 2 Listen Now, But 1 Day U Will!!

Graphs from
Bureau of Justice Statistics/U. S. Department of Justice

“A hard head, makes a soft behind”, was what the elders use to tell us when we were growing up. We got the message when they spanked us. Yeah, we got out of line somewhere and got back in line with a butt-cut. We didn’t understand it as children but now as adults, we do. Some folks said, “You’ll find out the hard way.”  I also heard, "You don't have to listen now, but one day you'll wish you did."  The hard way was another butt-cut or something regrettable. You avoided the butt-cuts as much as possible because that was no badge of honor. Back then, you got butt-cuts in front of your friends and/or classmates and it was embarrassing and sometimes humiliating. Now going to jail is seen as a badge of honor and pride among some of our youth. Parents can’t discipline their children anymore like they used to. They might get reported to the Department of Social Services or watch-dog groups that look for abuse in families. My neighbors and teachers use to discipline us, too. I would say “whip” but that term in not politically correct anymore. It denotes a harsher type of punishment. But in those days, we did get “whippings.” I believe that most of did managed to live without any regrets and found that those teaching stayed with us. I believe that we didn’t turn out so bad and didn’t have to do any jail time or allowed ourselves to get into some bad situations. I will always believe that the elders had the same things told to them and tried their best to pass it on to us so that we can avoid unnecessary problems. I will always believe that they just wanted the best for us and if necessary beat it into us. I can’t reiterate enough that when a parent is not allowed to discipline his/her children for the good of the child, then society will pay for it. There are two many men and women, black and white, are in prison institutions of some sort. Even if unfairly incarcerated, there is still a huge cost for society to pay.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Movies!

With Memorial Day come all of the old movies from the 30’s up the present. I am a fanatic for these nostalgic scenes of yesteryear. I saw In Harms Way, From Hell to Eternity, Bataan, Midway, To Hell and Back, Darby’s Rangers, Sergeant York, Stalag 17 and as many others I could see without falling asleep trying to stay up all night. Somehow I managed to fit in some Clint Eastwood films, too! I saw a Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, Hang ‘em High, and Pale Rider. You can I see that I hibernated all weekend. I even saw Legend of the Fall! I saw some great movies these past four days mainly directed towards the brave and fallen. But what brought the true meaning of Memorial Day to me was not visit the Memorial downtown but seeing the movie Taking Chance, a true story. Please see this movie. It’s about a Lt. Colonel escorting a fallen marine, whose name is Chance Phelps, nineteen years old, back home in Colorado. Chance was killed in action in Iraq and the great care and love the techs did to prepare him for his final journey was amazing! They treated the body with dignity and honor. The LTC played by Kevin Bacon had to come to grips with his own emotions and inner battles. To me, this was the best I have ever seen Kevin act. This movie reminded me of Jamie Foxx in Ray, I soon forgot that it was Jamie playing and saw only Ray Charles. That’s how good this movie is. I remember those days how at times it was fun, laughing and joking one minute, and the next, worrying about whether you’re going back home in a body bag or with all of your parts. Don’t take your military men and women for granted! Don’t take your own life for granted! We have EMS, Police, firemen, first responders, doctors and nurses, who everyday get up in the morning and do what they do best to protect and help others. So many of them all take a last look at home before they leave because they know they can’t be sure if they’ll return. We have to support our troops. They are our babies, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, who feel that they are obligated to give something to this nation. This great nation cannot fail them, now or never. The powers-that-be need to stop bullshitting our military and veterans and treat them with the dignity and respect that these brave men and women deserve! There should be no questions of employment, housing and medical treatment that these veterans should enjoy from our government. And yes, I did wear my American Legion cap all weekend!

"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation."

George Washington
General and Commander-in-Chief & First President of the United States of America

Welcome To 2025, Another Year!

     Since my wife and I started dating, we have attended New Year’s Eve Watch Night Services, and last night was no exception. The parking ..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0