Friday, November 8, 2024

New Level, New Devil!

    Trump has emerged victorious; frankly, I am not surprised by this outcome. The thought of a woman president and a Black president within a mere two decades of the first Black male president feels almost implausible. Let’s be realistic—this isn’t a scenario we can envision unfolding in our current climate. The colonial church has already denounced the Black church and aligned Democrats as those who lack true faith. On the other hand, the Republicans, it seems, have succumbed to the devil's deception, choosing to idolize a convicted individual known for his dishonesty. I foresee that the charges against the president will be quietly dismissed, allowing him to evade the consequences of his actions. At the same time, we may face our earthly reckoning, and we will all ultimately answer for our sins. 

    I cannot speak on behalf of the colonialists, the so-called patriots, or the members of the Black church. I can only share my perspective. I hold firmly that God will not be fooled; the righteous will ultimately triumph over the wicked. Many of us labor under the delusion that wrongdoers can evade their repercussions, and in our folly, we may find ourselves mirroring their destructive behavior. Our churches often pick and choose their battles, taking credit for triumphs rather than directing the glory to God. Too frequently, they pit themselves against one another, operating from a place of superiority instead of finding common ground through dialogue and understanding. This betrayal spans both the political aisles and the pulpit. 

    Through this journey, I have come to a stark revelation: one must stop placing trust in humanity. The harsh truth is that those who loudly proclaim support are often unwilling to sacrifice their own interests for your success, mainly when there’s a fear you may eclipse their achievements. It’s time to move forward with the wisdom that my family will always take precedence when push comes to shove. We have witnessed this reality unfold in various shades. America has made its choice—a decision to elect a man who embodies their values and fears. A leader who champions immigration restrictions, abortion bans, opposition to LGBTQ rights, advocates for states’ rights, shows favoritism towards the wealthy, suppresses educational opportunities, and commits injustices against People of Color. America has placed its trust in the individual who gives voice to their whispered intentions during secretive gatherings. 

    We find ourselves facing “a new level, a new devil.” As we ascend with a fresh perspective, learning to trust God and affirming He is at the helm, we are also confronted with formidable distractions. These distractions skillfully divert our attention from our Creator when we strive to draw closer to Him. Every day seems to have unique challenges, tugging our focus away from the One who guides us. I can’t shake the feeling that something feels amiss with this election cycle. In my circle, no single individual contested the results; the Democrats seem to falter. When the Republicans selected their leader, I wondered what kind of person they believed suited that responsibility. It appears irrelevant in the grand scheme; laws will be twisted to facilitate reelection, even for those convicted of felonies. 

    The future remains shrouded in uncertainty. We grapple to keep pace with the present. Our growing anxieties and tumultuous emotions cloud our judgment and spiritual clarity, rendering it difficult to discern God's voice. It is all too easy to slip into negativity. Our minds often venture into the worst possible scenarios, and repeatedly, as my direst thoughts come to naught. Our faith is indeed being tested. The question looms: I have watched. Will we pass that test?

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0