Thursday, October 31, 2024

Happy Halloween!

How can anyone compare the differences between Nick Bosa and Colin Kaepernick? Think about it: these are two different individuals who took different actions and are treated differently. Kaepernick never claimed to hate America, just as Kamala Harris never said she hated anyone. If she did, the media would not make excuses to report it. It is possible to dislike people's behavior without expressing hatred for them. Michael Vick was convicted and served 21 months in prison for dog fighting and lost his position as one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL. Kristi Noem, former governor of South Dakota, is rewarded as Homeland Security Director in the Trump Administration for killing her “untrainable” dog. How’s that for a double standard in America?

Furthermore, consider how many white individuals benefit from systemic privileges that grant them significantly more leeway than people of color. That’s why they can’t relate and will not attempt to understand. They don’t have to. Many Americans will not admit that there is an ingrained racial problem. It’s in our blood. When the indentured servants arrived, they were escaping from inequality in their countries. It didn’t take long to forget and pass it on. Slavery was a money-making business. Besides, Black people weren’t seen as being human, anyway.

The people are tired of being angry, divided, and bitter. Why are we choosing sides? I still can’t understand why it’s okay to support some felons and not others. I can’t understand why it’s acceptable to be friends with the Russians and support dictatorships. But so many people are. I am tired of this division.


America voted for the candidate they wanted. Now we see what America wants: it takes. The majority rules.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0