Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice!

Rejoice all, for this day and time, the Lord is near!  The year is quickly coming to an end.  I must be getting older because time seems to fly by.  We will enter a new year in less than two weeks.  Next week is Christmas.  We might or might not be ready for gifts, but will we be prepared for the return of Jesus?  Have we decided to repent from some of our petty and devious ways?  Some of us can’t let go of being trifling in our actions.  We could make an attempt to change, but do we want to?  It’s not easy to do right, but it seems that doing wrong has always been simple.  We were born with sin, but we were also saved by mercy and grace.  Jesus gave his life to fulfill the will of the Father to save us.  Emanuel has never forsaken us or abandoned us.


I agree that we seemed to be surrounded by bad news.  Chaos abounds, and hatred is reveling in man’s atrocities towards each other.  I don’t have to go into details, but the innocents are suffering over folks' lust for domination and greed.  It is hard to find joy in this mess, but we can.  We can begin with the little things.  Such as waking up, our health could be worse, sight, smell, taste, hearing, touching, holding the people we love, and speaking to tell them we love them.  We can change our old habits and make it a goal to take one step at a time.  We could begin now during Advent to start New Year's habits.  Whatever we do, let’s keep it positive.


I believe the fewer excuses we find, the better we will be and feel.  I wish you all a blessed and safe Christmas and New Year!  Find your joy!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Seat At The Table?

            Whose table do you want to sit at, and who will be there? There are many tables, but only a few seats remain. What is the price of admission to each table? Even if God's table is free, it still requires time, repentance, honesty, obedience, mercy, and forgiveness. Some of the other tables require at least money, fame, or power, and I cannot afford any of those. Regardless, sitting at a table grants you a voice and an opportunity to speak and be heard. It's about representation, but the table owner will control the conversation. Remember that discretion is the better part of valor, and be cautious of yourself and others. In other words, choose your battles wisely.


            There are certain advantages to sitting at the table, such as enjoying certain perks. Moreover, sitting near the owner shows a sign of respect. However, respect may only sometimes be genuine, as people may pretend to respect you in your presence while talking behind your back. This is a common occurrence that many have experienced, and it is often the case that people have hidden agendas. The song "Smiling Faces" by The Undisputed Truth perfectly encapsulates this situation. Therefore, being aware of others' intentions and keeping your guard is vital.


            It is an honor, and since you have the opportunity to speak at the table, what will be your platform, and how will you articulate it?  What kind of tone will you use?  Do you have a resolution, a template, or an idea?  Will you compromise to obtain your recommendations or suggestions?  Or will you yield to the more powerful?  What will your attitude be like?  Expect supporters and non-supporters to be neutral and uncommitted, but you’ll know where people stand on the issues.  It could be important being there, or it could be a facade.  I wish you wisdom, integrity, courage, and honesty.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m...

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