Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Rest Bobby, My Friend, My Brother, Rest in Peace!

We have come a long way from childhood, sitting under the old oak, wishing to get older and having our own home. No one told us as children, that being an adult was being responsible and accountable for our actions. We just wanted to be grown. Well, children, grandchildren and even a grandchild later, you left to return your heavenly home before us. We are so blessed to have known each other for 60 plus years and have seen each other this past year. We were fellow Sagittarians, born one year apart. Harold was the one born in May. Interesting enough, his birthday is coming up on the 20th. We were the original three. We’ll miss you, Bobby! Love you! We will see each other on the other side.

Momma Bennett, Dorothy, Mz C, Harold, Lolita, Nae, Mike, Bill & Tonya, you all are in my prayers.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Love you, Sis!

Judith Eloise Thomason Jones

(December 17, 1941 – April 25, 2018)

Surviving are her daughters, Laura Hall Corley and Renee Hall (Thernell) Boles; her mother, 
Annie Power Bennett; a brother, Gregory (Aletta) Reese Bennett; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; 
other loving relatives.

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m...

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