Monday, March 19, 2018

I Am So Tired!

Those were the words I heard Sunday 3/18/18 from my best friend, Harold. We’ve been friends for over 55 years ever since childhood. He has been fighting brain cancer for 4 long years dealing with several surgeries, radiation and chemo. His left eye and left nostril were taken and even a part of his skull. We all thought that the last surgery on his skull would give him some pain relief. Harold normally talks until I tell him I’m getting off the phone. Well, not this time, he was in so much pain that he felt ready to leave this world.  It even pained him to talk. I didn't have much to say, one reason was that I had to strain to hear him. He had been this way all week and his body was tired.

"I am so tired" were the words my mother told me before she passed. How naive of me to think that I would ask her to lay down and get some rest. She quickened me lovingly that she meant something much deeper. Something that I had always denied to myself, that my mother would live forever. Not long after that, she passed on Monday, the day after Easter, March 24, 2008. Easter was one of her favorite holidays.  In fact, mom's 10th year anniversary will be March 24, 2018, this year.

I miss you, mom! Thank you for the wonderful years!

Dorothy and Harold, you are forever in my prayers!

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0