Saturday, January 21, 2017

My Opinion!

Each of us has our own opinion and each opinion treated with respect. The way a person feels, if explained from the heart, need to be respectful and considered from their point of view. It is important speaking civilly to each other about how they feel.

The country is separated by race, partisanship and misunderstanding and people are afraid to talk about it. Instead of having a dialogue, irrational actions and demonstrations take its place.  When I see and hear the statement “Make America great again”, I hear return to the pre-civil rights years. I grew up in that era where each race had their own places to eat, socialize and look at movies.  In fact, even public water fountains were separate, waiting rooms in public transportation was separate. At one time, there were separate hospital waiting rooms. Is this what making America great again, finding ways to stop specific groups of people from voting, rolling back the Voting Rights Act? Something is wrong and we are not talking about what is making the country uneasy. Americans should be stronger since 9/11.

After this past election, voting results were along party, gender and racial lines. No, the lines were not clear-cut some crossed because of what they heard and felt. My question again, is it because of some groups felt that they were losing their identity, control and/or security? Is it how America is viewed by the rest of the world?  Look how mean people have gotten towards each other lately. Even as a child, I remembered how people distrusted Russia and now it is time to make a deal with them.

Even as Christians, we are staunch hypocrites. Yes, I said it. We choose to forgive selectively and forget selectively. Nevertheless, we can hold a grudge selectively, too. Those of you who do practice following the Word know what I am talking about. We pick selective verses to support our argument.

This is my opinion.

Get well, Dorothy & Harold! God bless!

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0