Saturday, October 21, 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Buzzwords & Triggers

“Tomlin just added himself to a list of “No good (N-Word), “Another “ungrateful” black multi-millionaire, “Throw the Son of a Bitch out”, “thugs.” Wow, the more time change, the more it remains the same. These were words spoken from a fire chief, congressman, president and anyone else who want to describe certain ethnic groups. 

It is depressing to hear the same words that were spoken decades ago. Someone spread a rumor years ago that racism is dead because America elected a Black President. Others believed that a minority president will divide America. It appeared that America was off balance and out of harmony. Instead, America became more peaceful and tolerant towards others. Of course, there were pockets of hate that raised their ugly heads, but were met with peace and love.

Buzzwords and triggers. Words used by some people in position, meant to divide and destroy. Statements made that do not need apologies, because apologies would show signs of weakness. But, it was really meant to be said, the apology is for saying it out loud? There is too much negativity in the social media, news media, home and work for the sake of the dollar. It is beginning to affect us all directly and indirectly, consciously and subconsciously.

This may be a cleverly designed smokescreen to take the focus off of some of our leaders by looking for allies anywhere they can find them, even it means turning against your friends calling their bluff. (NFL Owners vs the players). You can bluff them with fear of their players, deep inside who is afraid of Robert Mueller's findings? 

I am a proud veteran of the U.S. military forces. Our brothers and sisters in arms sacrificed their lives to ensure that the Stars and Stripes wave freely. Blood was shared so that all Americans can exercise their rights freely, whether we like their demonstrations or not. But, let’s not confuse this story about the NFL disgracing the flag with equal rights. Those who have ears, listen! The words mentioned above cleverly disguise the fact that all men are still not equal. Politicians are using this confusion to pit Americans against each other. Why don’t we all take a knee and pray!

Thanks, Dorothy. You, Harold and others are always in my prayers.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Rest In Peace!

It's been a long time since I have entered anything! Once again, a lot has happened! We just returned last week from MegaFest in Dallas, TX and enjoyed the spiritual treatment we received. And yes, we walked quite a bit in downtown Dallas.

But on our return, we were met with deaths in the family, at work and with former workers. So, I'll say Rest in Peace, Larry Irby, April's uncle; rest in Peace, Evelyn Gregg, Russell's wife and; Rest in Peace, Big Country, a former resident. They will surely be missed! Please add them and their loved ones in your prayers. Shout out to Russell, a true husband all the way through!

We continue to keep Judy, Dorothy and Harold in our prayers. These are warriors and conquerors. They are truly respected.  Blessings!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

To all of you mom's that have sacrificed and gave your all for your family, may your day be joyful and blessed! May your love ones show their appreciation and love that you have given them throughout this year! And may the cherished memories of those of us whose moms have passed on be acceptable and wonderful forever! Praying also for the moms who lost their children or unable to share anytime with them for other reasons.

Happy Mother's Day! God bless you!

I miss you, mom! I'll always love you!

Praying for Dorothy & Harold.

The Intruders "I'll Always Love My Mama" (1973)

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Happy Birthday, Dorothy!

I surprised a friend today after her 66th birthday and more than 56 surgeries later! For some time now, she’s been through some serious adversities and challenges, but you wouldn’t know it by her calm and peaceful demeanor. By the Grace of God, Dorothy is still standing!  Her positive attitude proves that she is standing in faith and trust that God will never leave her side.  None of us knows the reasoning of God, but we have to trust Him.  His love for us is so deep and wide that we will never understand how much He loves us.  What I do know is that God loves so much that He forgives us faster than we realize.

Dorothy looked and sounded great! We reminisced, laughed and joked. She bragged about her grandchildren looks, talents and intelligence.  I was glad I stopped by.  It was good to see her after a few years.  God bless!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Where Have I Been?

I have been slack. Events have passed and are coming up and I have been procrastinating. It's been a year since our surgery. It has been a minute or two since I took the time to tell Dorothy B and Harold N, two old school friends, that are dealing with their own personal issues, that they stay in my prayers. I have old co-workers that I will always remember but too lazy to call or even text. There are so many things happening in this nation and world that I have not even figured where to start from. I think I'm going through a slump. I'll keep you posted.

RIP, Charlie Murphy!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Birthday Shout Outs To My Brother and My Niece!

Keep an eye out for us, Austin! We will all see each other again! Your daughters are doing great! Tia celebrated her birthday, too! I'm maintaining contact with them constantly. I am not going to mess it up this time! I love you! 

Get well, Dorothy & Harold. I'm praying for you!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Rest In Peace, Ed Harmon!

Dr. George Edwin Harmon LEXINGTON Dr. Harmon, or Ed as he was affectionately known, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, at the age of 64. He was a son of the late George and Annie Ruth Harmon. Ed was educated in the public schools of Lexington District One before enrolling at USC. After graduating from USC, he headed to Louisville, Kentucky, with his new wife to attend Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where he earned a master's degree, followed by his doctorate, in Old Testament Studies. Ed was an ordained minister who served churches in Kentucky and South Carolina. He always said that he was called to serve and to teach, and this was evident during his 16 years on the Lexington One School Board. He was also very involved in his home church at Lexington Baptist where he taught a men's Sunday school class for many years. He was a former deacon and trombone player in the church orchestra. He had been employed with the Department of Public Safety for over 16 years. He is survived by his wife, Deb, of 42 years, and a son, Adam, who were the light of his life. Ed is also survived by brothers, Will (Lisa), David (Teresa); sister, Claire; father-in-law, Hamp Gaylord; brother-in-law, Chris (Alice); sister-in-law, Terry (Freddy), as well as many nephews, nieces and friends who already miss his quick wit, his warmth and his brilliant mind. Services will be held on Friday, February 10, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. at Lexington Baptist Church with visitation starting at 12:30 p.m., prior to the service. Burial will follow in Lexington Memorial Cemetery.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

My Opinion!

Each of us has our own opinion and each opinion treated with respect. The way a person feels, if explained from the heart, need to be respectful and considered from their point of view. It is important speaking civilly to each other about how they feel.

The country is separated by race, partisanship and misunderstanding and people are afraid to talk about it. Instead of having a dialogue, irrational actions and demonstrations take its place.  When I see and hear the statement “Make America great again”, I hear return to the pre-civil rights years. I grew up in that era where each race had their own places to eat, socialize and look at movies.  In fact, even public water fountains were separate, waiting rooms in public transportation was separate. At one time, there were separate hospital waiting rooms. Is this what making America great again, finding ways to stop specific groups of people from voting, rolling back the Voting Rights Act? Something is wrong and we are not talking about what is making the country uneasy. Americans should be stronger since 9/11.

After this past election, voting results were along party, gender and racial lines. No, the lines were not clear-cut some crossed because of what they heard and felt. My question again, is it because of some groups felt that they were losing their identity, control and/or security? Is it how America is viewed by the rest of the world?  Look how mean people have gotten towards each other lately. Even as a child, I remembered how people distrusted Russia and now it is time to make a deal with them.

Even as Christians, we are staunch hypocrites. Yes, I said it. We choose to forgive selectively and forget selectively. Nevertheless, we can hold a grudge selectively, too. Those of you who do practice following the Word know what I am talking about. We pick selective verses to support our argument.

This is my opinion.

Get well, Dorothy & Harold! God bless!

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0