Sunday, March 29, 2015

Thoughts for Holy Week!

Praise, Jeers, Denial, Silence, Death and Return! One moment Christ is being praised at his entrance to the city and there is celebration. Fast forward, He is jeered and an innocent life traded for a murderer’s. His closest confidante denies him. Christ answers his accusers with silence, is crucified and returns!

How many times have we all been through these dramas? We might not have physically died but we lost what we had due to some wrongful accusations and hit rock bottom.  Some of us, by the grace of God and His divine destiny for us, came back.

Let us all take some time to reflect on what happened during the days before Resurrection Day!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Bring Your Burdens to God!

Last week was like being in a sandstorm. My environment seemed to change each moment of the day. From good news to sadness, discouraging to encouraging and all other mixed emotions.Each day had its own theme. Each time I took my hand out of God’s I was being swept away by the powerful wind of anxiety. I do not know how many times I wept, but I knew what it was about. And during those times, I kept praising and thanking God for His mercy. Living is not easy but life could still be a lot worse to us. We all go through something, good and bad and we get through it. We are here to see another day and we should rejoice and be glad in it. When the dust started settling and I thought I was falling, God held me up. I am still standing and I announce publicly thank you Lord! He never left me. Even though I am still in a storm, I can see in front of me. The walk by faith and not by sight is taking some time to get used to but I will. I am learning not to get distracted from taking my eyes off the Lord by looking at the stormy waters. I am learning to reach out my hand for His even when things seem alright. I constantly remind myself how many times God has saved me with miracles and mercy. By His grace I make it through the storms. I have a mission and His Will be done. It has already been rewarding.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Always The Good Shepherd!!!

The other day, as I was darting around town running errands, I couldn’t help but notice the overwhelming gridlock on the roads. It was mid-m..., pub-5196628769057019, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0