Sometimes, we tend to find excuses for the things that don't work out for us. We tend to blame others instead of taking responsibility for our actions, which only elevates the excuses. This behavior also applies to standing up for what is right. We often remain silent and wait for someone else to take the initiative instead of holding ourselves accountable. "What's your excuse, now?" is about empowering ourselves to make choices that will help us feel comfortable and confident in our skin.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
I Believe In You and Me - Jennifer Hudson
This is JenHud's weight watchers' commercial. Jennifer looks good but she still sounds great.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Rest In Peace, Scott Richardson!!!
Scott Richardson, 33 years old, was slain at a traffic stop on December 21st in the early evening. He was shot in the head. Chris Carter was wounded but saved by his vest. Both men were shot by the same 19 year old, who is still in the hospital after being wounded. I had the pleasure of meeting Scott and Chris many years ago at a conference. These guys were considered heroes even then. Now Scott is immortalized by giving the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. He leaves behind three young sons and a wife who will know see Christmas with a different meaning. All because of a young thug who had no respect for authority and himself, we will see the negative effect this heinous act will have on families and the community. Hundreds of people and law enforcement officials lined the streets and paid their respects and attended the funeral services. Please keep their families in your prayers. Video.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!
This is the celebration of Jesus Christ's Birthday! Let's remember the real purpose of the holiday. A day with family and friends and a day to forgive. Many of us will not celebrate with loved ones or forgive. For whatever the reason, let's not be judgemental or critical. We should focus on our blessings and that Christ was born to save mankind. Don't let the enemy distract us over trivial matters. We all know that the devil will try his best to do it. So family and friends that are together, celebrating, don't let any arguments come up to take your joy and distract you from the season. There are too many homeless people and orphans that need our prayers. Happy celebrations!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Another Dumb### Statement Made By Our Elected Officials!
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) who once showed his childish behavior in 2005 as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is showing his boody again. We should be used to the things any of these politicians say these days. There are no more lines between civil discourse and disrespect. Sensenbrenner is showing his stupid side of immature statements by saying our First Lady Michelle Obama has a large boody. It took him this long to even notice? Was he peaking? Was he really trying say how much he liked it or is a secret fan of Sir-Mix-A-Lot's video? Does Sensenbrenner understand that most women of color always have a nice, round, natural backside, not fake. But, these types of people like to draw attention, anyway. In fact, there are more questions regarding the way this man even thinks. Does he have a problem with the First Lady? Black women? Skinny women who look like men? Men? Or something simple as weight control? I wonder what does he think of Haile Berry , Beyonce, Roselyn Sanchez, and Jennifer Lopez? Either way you look at, the Republicans are showing more than their butt with this current administration and within their party.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Do We Know How To Recognize Blessings?
According to Merriam-Webster’s definition of blessing, it’s: 1 a: the act or words of one that blesses: approval, encouragement; 2: a thing conducive to happiness or welfare; 3: grace said at a meal. But as a Christian, what do you think a blessing is? Is it really something even close to our own personal happiness or welfare? Do everything have to go our way in order for us to think how blessed we are? The Apostle James said, ‘Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” Maybe the issue isn’t with what we don’t but what we already have. We get caught up in either trying to keep up with the Jones or being jealous of them that we don’t realize that what we already have are blessings from God. Some people do seem to have it all but can’t we recognize that what we have may be all we need? Our health and our families are the best blessings that we will ever receive, but add in the good paying jobs, homes and cars, we tend to think we are at the top. Yet, we can lose them all. Job did. But Job never lost his trust and faith in God, despite what his wife and friends said. Elihu stood by Job. People still think that if a person is going through something, he must have done something really bad and that God must be punishing them. Everyone is going through something, don’t let the flash fool you. It’s how we get through the trials and storms. The sun shines and the rain falls on the rich and poor, the well and sick, and the good and the bad. Know this! With God all things are possible. Merry Christmas, my friends!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
100 Black Men of Greater Columbia, Inc.
This was the 12th Annual Event of elegance honoring the men, women, and sponsors supporting young African-American and minority men. The gala was held Friday, December 2, 2011. Through mentoring, educational, economic, and health awareness opportunities, the volunteers gave their personal time to show ways of making a positive contribution to the world we live in. This concept started in 1963 in New York when a concerned group of Black men met to look at ways of improving conditions in the community. Now the program has expanded throughout the United States with the same mission. It was a classy black tie event with some of our movers and shakers in attendance, as well as, many of them being members. It was a marvelous affair. 13 Scholarships were awarded this year! These men sacrificed their time to help our youth when they are needed most.
December 7, 1941!
The bombing of Pearl Harbor, a day which will live in infamy! You know the rest! Don't let commercialism make you forget! The USS Arizona is still crying after 70 years. Little known facts about African-Americans role in Pearl Harbor.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
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These are my thoughts and concerns. With God, all things are possible, regardless of how things look. Americans cannot afford to forget our ...