Congratulations to the USC Gamecocks who showed remarkable poise and class in Omaha. They beat UCLA 2-1 in 11 innings. Even some of their worse rivals from Clemson supported them. Too bad our politicians can't cross the aisle to support the American people, they could learn something. Well done, Gamecocks!
Sometimes, we tend to find excuses for the things that don't work out for us. We tend to blame others instead of taking responsibility for our actions, which only elevates the excuses. This behavior also applies to standing up for what is right. We often remain silent and wait for someone else to take the initiative instead of holding ourselves accountable. "What's your excuse, now?" is about empowering ourselves to make choices that will help us feel comfortable and confident in our skin.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Happy 30th Year Anniversary, LT!!!
Lt. Wilson and his wife, Susan, celebrated their 30th anniversary Monday, yesterday! Congratulations, LT, 30 more to go!!!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Welcome aboard Bre'onna!!!
I have a new niece but no pictures of her, yet. The lack of pictures are more of my fault because I am not a cell phone expert. Don't send me pictures or texts on the cell because I barely know how to even open them. If you have anything to say, just call me, don't write me. Anyway, my grandniece's name is Talim Bre'onna Montgomery who was born on 6/8/10. She was 7 lbs 1 oz; 20' in long. Mom & dad are doing fine. Rest assured when I get pictures you'll see her. But right now pray for all of the little ones that are being born in this world. They'll need all the help they can get. God bless all of these little ones!
Happy (37 Years Of Marital Bliss) Anniversary, Mary & Carl!!!
Mary & Carl, it's not many couples that can put up with each other that long! Congratulations for love, patience, understanding and tolerance to name a few. Just a few qualities that some of us don't have. I got your picture from Facebook. I wish you two the very best of everything!! God bless & take care.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Now For November, 2010!
Tim Scott
The runoffs are over and South Carolina voters have had their say, for now. If what we have seen is a glimpse of what the general elections will look like, hold on to your hairpieces and weaves, we’re going for a hayride. Nikki Haley, a Republican, is set to be the first Indian-American governor in South Carolina. Her campaign was focused on the issues, not necessarily on answering direct questions, but overall, clean. I still find it hard evading questions on generating revenue when she can only answer what areas can be caught. We are suffering already. NO one wants to pay higher or extra taxes, but if it means getting this state back on its feet and keeping jobs, let’s get ‘er done! But she is another Sanford clone so, here’s another 2- 4 years. That’s right, I said 2 – 4 years. I expect her to run as vice-president in 2012. So her first two years will be campaigning and our state problems will not be hers. Sarah taught her well. I’m being premature, because her campaign did come with some accusations from her “opponents” that she had a couple of affairs. Sort of Sanfordesque, but this time without any evidence, apologies, or tears. Another claim was changing her religion from Sikh to Methodist to begin her run as a politician. I don’t care about the religion, I’m worried that she will bump heads with the legislators like Sanford did and the little people will be ignored, again. I am happy that the state did see that a woman and a part of the minority and is capable of doing the job. Déjà vu! The nation said that about our President and look at the polls now. Love is temporary if you can’t produce any results.
South Carolina also has a chance to send its first Black Republican to Congress since Reconstruction and the second since J. C. Watts. His name is Tim Scott. Voters want to see something different and are looking for people that will represent them in a positive way. By the way, he did beat the son of Strom Thurmond who rallied behind Scott to support him. I’m disappointed to hear folks saying that only Blacks voted for him. Get a grip folks, most blacks vote democratic and frown on Republicans. Besides, Republicans aren’t trying to court black folks, anyway. Just think about Mr. Steel, the RNC Chairman. Anyway, I doubt if Mr. Scott got over 100 votes from minorities. Did I mention that they both beat their opponents with large margins? Did I mention that Sarah supported both of them? Go figure.
And while all of these and more and things were going on, our Governor Sanford left the state without telling the Lt. Governor that he was leaving, again. The man is whipped but at least he spent Father’s Day with his children this year. Only in South Carolina can we nominate an Attorney General that is a son of the Congressman that called a President of the United States “a liar” in the hallowed chambers of Congress. Decorum and respect lost in a moment of “anger” to only be hailed as a hero by so many bigots. Shameful, but a harsh reality.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
How Bad Does This Crap Gets?
Rep. Joe Barton (R) Texas
This excerpt and more came from the AP:
A leading House Republican on Thursday accused the White House of a "$20 billion shakedown" of oil giant BP by requiring the company to set aside that amount to compensate those hurt by the Gulf Coast oil spill. Rep. Joe Barton made the assertion at the outset of a House hearing where BP's chief executive officer, Tony Hayward, is appearing for the first time before Congress. Facing Hayward at the witness table, the Texas Republican congressman said, "I'm ashamed of what happened in the White House" on Wednesday. Barton was referring to the agreement that President Barack Obama announced with BP for establishment of a $20 billion relief fund.
Don’t these hypocrites ever stop? The President is damned if he does or does not. Joe Barton represents Arlington, TX. I want to attach the face to the person because we need to know what these politicians look like. Apologize, shakedown? Wrong is wrong and just because you said it does not make it right. Had the President said we will use US dollars for compensation, there would be outcries on expanding the budget. These so called politicians that are non-supportive and obstructive are so deep in these major corporations back pockets that they have no other choice except to criticize. (Barton has received more than $1.5 million in campaign donations from the oil industry, according to Open Secrets, a nonpartisan watchdog group.) The money they are paid must be worth it to look and act like a jackass. They can’t offer solutions, but plenty of criticism. So I ask the question, if the Democrats are considered as liberals who support a socialist agenda, are the Republicans, Nazis who supports an aristocratic ruled society in favor of a corporate based economy? Nazis hate anyone who don't look or believe in the same ideology. Sort of reminds you of why the Tea Parties were formed. We already know about the Klan’s origins. As Don King would say, “Only in America.” Because only in America can people say treasonous words, file it under free speech, and get away with disrespect and stupidity. I believe that there is not a day gone by without some poll being taken about the president or some negative news on what he is doing. The media seems to perpetuate the negative instead of stating the positive. The fact is, I’m glad this is the right man in place to lead this country. I do not think that had anyone else won this election, they would not have been able to handle the multitudes, I repeat, multitudes of problems, this nation is facing. Sarah would have quit and John would have gone on an extended vacation. Just running his campaign was taking a toll on him. With all of this mess…no telling. There are a lot of people who are very positive and look forward to progress. Unfortunately, the most vocal are getting the news.
Another strange twist to this mess. The GOP Leaders make Barton retract his apology to BP. Here's another quote from that same website on the Washington Post. "According to a GOP leadership aide, Barton met with House Minority Leader John Boehner (Ohio) and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (Va.) Thursday afternoon, and was told, "Apologize, immediately. Or you will lose your [subcommittee] position, immediately. Now that he has apologized, we'll see what happens going forward." Another aide said Barton would now not be removed unless he goes on "the TV circuit" and causes further controversy. The aides requested anonymity to discuss the private discussions of the Republican leaders."
Who is really representing the peoples' interests. You can get used to saying no for so long that you can begin to dumb things.
Another strange twist to this mess. The GOP Leaders make Barton retract his apology to BP. Here's another quote from that same website on the Washington Post. "According to a GOP leadership aide, Barton met with House Minority Leader John Boehner (Ohio) and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (Va.) Thursday afternoon, and was told, "Apologize, immediately. Or you will lose your [subcommittee] position, immediately. Now that he has apologized, we'll see what happens going forward." Another aide said Barton would now not be removed unless he goes on "the TV circuit" and causes further controversy. The aides requested anonymity to discuss the private discussions of the Republican leaders."
Who is really representing the peoples' interests. You can get used to saying no for so long that you can begin to dumb things.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Rep. Steve King (R) Iowa
I wanted to talk about the President’s 17 minute speech tonight but found out the roaches are coming out of the wood work. I found this article from the AP.
Democrats on Tuesday denounced an Iowa Republican congressman who says President Barack Obama favors blacks over whites, and a GOP candidate from Colorado canceled a fundraiser the Iowan was to keynote. Rep. Steve King, known for sometimes incendiary remarks about immigration, Abu Ghraib and other issues, criticized Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, who also is black, in an interview Monday on G. Gordon Liddy's nationally syndicated radio talk show. "I'm offended by Eric Holder and the president also, their posture," said King, 61. "It looks like Eric Holder said that white people in America are cowards when it comes to race." Take a look at this guy and he looks like he could easily slip comfortably into a hood.
Holder, in a 2009 speech, did not suggest that whites are more cowardly than blacks when discussing race, as King indicated in the radio interview. "Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot," Holder said, "in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards."
This is nothing new, folks. The hatred held inside of these bigots is eating through. They can’t hold it any longer and don’t care because so many of these people hate our president who is representing all of us. If they were so concerned about racial equality where were these buttheads during Jim Crow? They didn’t speak out because they were contented with the way things were, keeping minorities from progressing. We can't allow ourselves to sit back passively and quietly. We must learn to be vocal! We believe in free speech, too!
Friday, June 11, 2010
A Reminder Of Our History
An undated rare photo provided by Keya Morgan, found in a North Carolina attic, depicts two slave children, art historians say. In April, the photo was found at a moving sale in Charlotte, accompanied by a document detailing the sale of John for $1,150 in 1854. The picture was purchased for $30,000 and $20,000 for the sale document by collector Keya Morgan. Morgan said the deceased owner of the home where the photo was found was thought to be a descendant of John. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Keya Morgan,
Thursday, June 10, 2010
This is Some Tacky Frackenackel Bull!!
Gary Coleman and his wife had a stormy past – Coleman pleaded guilty to domestic violence in February, but Santaquin Police Chief Dennis Howard tells PEOPLE, "There was absolutely nothing suspicious about (Coleman's) death. There is no (criminal) investigation going on." Gary drove himself to hospital after the accident because his ex, Shannon Price who lived with Coleman, was too ill to take him. He was diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage, fell into a coma and died on May 28. Gary Coleman's estranged parents learned of the former child star's death in the media and now they want answers on how he died. Coleman sued his parents in 1989 for allegedly stealing his fortune, a claim they refuted. This woman who said that they were planning to remarry and that she has a will that gives her everything is very suspicious. How can you take deathbed pictures and sell them before the man is buried? So much for love and dead men can’t talk. I hope Gary haunts her ass. Sources say three of the four photos, which Gary's ex-wife Shannon orchestrated, may hit stands as early as this week. One of the photos that was sold shows Shannon posing next to a bedridden Gary who is riddled with tubes.
How Embarrassing!!!
Less than a day after Alvin Greene scored an upset victory in South Carolina’s Democratic Senate primary, the state party has begun a PR campaign to push him out following news that he faces a felony-grade obscenity charge. Earlier today, news broke that Greene, a 32-year-old Army veteran, was arrested and charged in November on accusations he had showed obscene photos to a University of South Carolina student. Greene declined to comment on the accusations to The Associated Press. An unemployed military veteran who raised no funds and put up no campaign website shocked South Carolina's Democratic Party leadership by capturing the nomination to face Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint in November. Besides lacking a politician’s polish, this guy seems to have a problem communicating to the press. I’m still not sure what Mr. Greene’s platform is. He doesn’t seem to budge after the Democrat’s pressure to step down. Congressman Clyburn is requesting an investigation. How can unemployed person come up with $10,000? Long story short, if the Republican’s did put up the money to set this guy up against DeMint, they got more than their money’s worth. Not only did an unknown win the primary, which on the surface seems as smart as a squirrel. They also embarrassed the Democratic Party and the people who voted for him. If you don’t do your research or can’t find any information on your candidate, don’t vote for that candidate. If the Republicans did pay for Mr. Greene’s fees, they paid him more to stay in the position. So much for team work.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Did You Vote Today??
I sincerely hope that you did vote! Don't complain if your candidate didn't win. You must make the effort.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Stop the Complaining and Start the Praying!!!
If you think that you are the only person with serious problems, think again. You are not alone. Most of the time, we’re feeling sorry for ourselves and wallow around in self-pity so that it can cover every inch of our bodies. Sort of like getting all covered up with mud so that everybody can see what you’re going through. This speaks levels. Once we get caught up in our own gook, we begin losing our confidence, our belief in our selves and very slowly our self-esteem begins to decline. We’re a train wreck and we haven’t even ran off the tracks. In fact, the collision from the other train is so far away that we have already began the countdown for the crash. We’re so busy about the crash ahead that we can’t even think about evasive actions and checking maps to see if there are other tracks ahead so that we can switch. Our focus lies in our supposedly inevitable crash and feeling sorry for ourselves that we don’t think straight. All we can do now is complain about our demise and the pitiful situation we’re in. It’s what we do and we do it so well. My brothers and sisters in Christ, we lose our faith every day and fight for it everyday. The way to gain ground is through prayer, without we’ll only concentrate on the negatives. As a saying goes, negative thinking draws the negatives to you. If you can’t control it, it will start affecting your relationship with others. You won’t be able to see the good in them because you’re caught up in self-pity. Well, stop complaining about your problems and start praying for wisdom and understanding to deal with them. There is not one person on this earth living and now dead that did not have serious problem or problems in their lives. Sometimes when we think we overcame one problem another shows up right behind it. Just when we thought we were getting ahead, we just got backed up a couple of steps. God will give us only what we can bear. Though there are times that it seems that it a lot to take. We tried crying, begging, borrowing, even asking others to pray for us. We half-heartedly say a few prayers until we’re straight again and stop praying until another bad time. We got it wrong! We need to pray all of the time. It’s like exercising. It becomes automatic and we maintain our focus. Yes, I believe prayer works and I believe you do, too. Think about it. Thinking back, we’ve all have gone through some stuff and wondered how did we get through it. Thank God, He’s always there. He keeps His part of the promise but we take our part for granted. We got to do better with prayer and faith or we’ll lose more than our friendships and lives. We’ll lose our souls, too.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
U Don’t Have 2 Listen Now, But 1 Day U Will!!
Graphs from
Bureau of Justice Statistics/U. S. Department of Justice
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